$ python GrammarAnalyser.py
S -> A | B
A -> to A | epsilon
B -> b B | epsilon
- Use '->' to indicate a production, and '|' to indicate multiple pruducciones with the same header.
- Use 'epsilon' to indicate the special terminal symbol of the graph.
- All the symbols that are the head of any production will be the Non-Terminals, the rest will be considered as Terminals. Use, if possible, only letters in the defending Non-Terminals.
- Between two contiguous symbols always leave at least one space.
- You will be notified if the grammar is not in the appropriate format.
- You will see the results in the "Results" tab.
- Next you must enter the desired chains, you must leave at least one space between two contiguous tokens.
- Then you will see the results in the "Results" tab.
- In the same way, you can load a grammar in text format, in which case you will have to carry out the steps from the beginning.