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Wireless Named Data Networking Over LoRa

This repository contains the project and work done to add a LoRa networking face to the Named Data Networking protocol based fowarading software NFD.

Installation & Usage

Hardware and Libraries

This code was modified for and tested on the following hardware and software:

The libraries used are as follows:

  • ndn-cxx - C++ Library that implements NDN programming functions. Used by NFD.
  • ArduPi SX1272 Library for Raspberry Pi


  • Raspbian 10 Buster
  • Clang 8
  • NFD - NDN forwarding software.
  • NDN-Tools - Simple command-line tools for testing NFD and NDN applications.

Software Setup

Prior knowledge of Linux, the command line, C++, Python, compilation, and installation is assumed. This setup is based off of Dr. Ashiqur Rahman's Guide. See his guide for a more in depth instructions.

Raspbian and Rasbian Lite were both tested working for this project. Raspbian Lite is recommended for the lighter memory usage.

After installing Raspbian Lite on the Raspberry Pi, Clang 8 must be installed. Here is an article about installing Clang 8 on the Pi. Newer versions have not been tested with this project (but will likely work).

Compiling & Installation

First Time Compilation

These build and installation instructions are based off of this tutorial from See the tutorial for more in depth instructions.

Install the dependencies first:

sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libboost-all-dev \
                     libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev libpcap-dev

Compile and install the modified library in the ndn-cxx folder first from the command line:

cd ndn-cxx
sudo chmod u+x ./waf
CXX=clang++ ./waf configure
./waf -j2
sudo ./waf install
sudo ldconfig

Next, compile and install the modified library in the NFD folder:

cd NFD
sudo chmod u+x ./waf
CXX=clang++ ./waf configure

At this point if it says that something is missing (websocket app) then follow the instructions to add it, the instructions will be something like:

mkdir -p websocketpp
curl -L > websocketpp.tar.gz
tar xf websocketpp.tar.gz -C websocketpp/ --strip 1

Then rerun the config command above and continue:

./waf -j2
sudo ./waf install

Copy the modified NFD configuration file from the root directory to the correct location:

cp nfd.conf /usr/local/etc/ndn/nfd.conf

Finally, compile and install ndn-tools. The version provided in the ndn-tools folder has not been modified so a new version may be installed from by following the instructions posted there. However the ndn-tools folder contains a tested working version and can be compiled and installed as follows:

cd ndn-tools
sudo chmod u+x ./waf
CXX=clang++ ./waf configure
./waf -j2
sudo ./waf install

CXX=clang++ is used to siginify to waf (a build system) to use the clang++ compiler.

The -j2 flag is used to limit the number of simultaneous compilations to 2 jobs. This is done to reduce memory usage. Successful compilation has been achieved with 3 jobs, but has also needed to be limited to 1 job depending on what other software is running on the Pi at the time of compilation.

Susbsequent Compilations

Once everything has been compiled for the first time and tested working, if any changes are made the compilation and installation will go much faster and requires fewer steps.

If ndn-cxx is modified:

cd ndn-cxx
./waf -j2
sudo ./waf install
sudo ldconfig

If NFD is modified:

cd NFD
./waf -j2
sudo ./waf install

Running and testing the software

Make sure the SX1272 module is connected to the Raspberry Pi. Make sure the Pi is off while connecting the module.

Test out NFD locally or with a face other than LoRa first. Creating a face and connecting to other NFD daemons can be found at Getting Started with NFD & NDN-tools testing.

Creating a LoRa Face

2 or more Raspberry Pis with LoRa modules will need to be set up for this test.

Create a LoRa face on each Pi:

*When creating a face, the format follows the format of: current_node_id-connected_node_id. The node_id can be any unique number. Ex. connect node 1 to node 2:

nfdc face create lora://1-2

Look for the face id

nfdc route add /ndn <faceid>

The route added (/ndn) can be any route name

Add another face if you want to make a connection to another node.

Follow the same instructions for the next node with the appropriate ids.


Using ndn-tools:

On one Pi, produce a packet:

echo "test" | ndnpoke -x 1000 /ndn

-x specifies the freshness of the packet

/ndn is the name to produce the packet on

On the second Pi,

ndnpeek -pf -l 10000

The -l flag specifies the timeout period.


The LoRa module hardware is setup in NFD/daemon/face/lora-factory.cpp in the setup() function.

Files & Modifications

Modified/Added files:

  • ndn-cxx/ndn-cxx/net/face-uri.cpp
  • ndn-cxx/ndn-cxx/net/face-uri.hpp
  • NFD/daemon/face/lora-transport.cpp
  • NFD/daemon/face/lora-transport.hpp
  • NFD/daemon/face/lora-channel.cpp
  • NFD/daemon/face/lora-channel.hpp
  • NFD/daemon/face/lora-factory.cpp
  • NFD/daemon/face/lora-factory.hpp
  • NFD/lora_libs/libraries/arduPiLoRa/arduPiLoRa.cpp
  • NFD/lora_libs/libraries/arduPiLoRa/arduPiLoRa.hpp
  • NFD/lora_libs/arduPi/arduPi.cpp
  • NFD/lora_libs/arduPi/arduPi.h
  • ndnScripts/*
  • nfd.conf

Authors, Contributors, & Resources

Named Data software and libraries were modified by:

  • Sean Hammond
  • Jake Maschoff
  • Bryan Hatasaka
  • Katlynne Bills
  • Garrick Clegg
  • Jason Stauffer
  • Thomas Van Hook

Advisors, Mentors, Support, Thanks

  • Stephen Dudley
  • Mingyue Ji
  • Jon Davies
  • L3Harris Technologies
  • University of Utah Electrical and Computer Engineering department


Big thanks goes to all contributers of the Named Data Netwoking Project!


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