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Telegram Bot for individual MAD Monster selection


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Python 3.6 Python 3.7 Python 3.8

Telegram Bot for individual selection

Installation Guide:

Clone the git repository.
Create a virtual environment and install the requirements:

apt install python-virtualenv

virtualenv -p python3 ~/Monsterbot_env

cd ~/Monsterbot

~/Monsterbot_env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

Install the Database

If you want to choose another schema please edit createdb.sql.

mysql -u <dbuser> < createdb.sql

Upgrade the Database

To upgrade the Database please stop all bots and execute


Create a Telegram Bot and put the APIToken in the config.ini File.

Customize config.ini


token=xxxxxxxxxx      # Bot API Token
locale=de             # Language Settings

port=6000             # Port for webhook
reorgdays=180         # Days for reorg inactive users

allowmode=False       # toggle free/allow mode
tggroup=""            # Telegram group for allowed Users

dbname=tgbotdb        # Database name
dbhost=      # Database hostname
dbport=3306           # Database port
dbuser=dbuser         # Database user
dbpassword=xxxxxxxxx  # Database user password

# startmsg=           # individual Startmessagefile default startmsg_<locale>.txt

venuetitle="<pkmn>(<pkmnid>) until <despawn>"
venuemsg="<road> <postcode> <town>"

ivmsg="<pkmn>(<pkmnid>)\nIV:<iv> CP:<cp> L:<lvl>\nA:<atk>/D:<def>/S:<sta>\nuntil <despawn>\n<road>\n<postcode> <town>"

nominatim=False                 # enable Nominatim = True
nominatim_scheme=""             # Schema for Nominatim, default https
nominatim_url=""                # Nominatim URL, default
                                # use your own like '<user>:<password>@your.FQDN.domain'
gmaps=False                     # enable Google = True
gmaps_apikey=""                 # Google API Key

geofile=""                      # Filename of the geofence file

You can use the following text substitution in the venuetitle, venuemsg and ivmsg strings:

<pkmn>    : Pokemonname
<pkmnid>  : PokemonID
<despawn> : Despawntime 24h
<iv>      : Pokemon IV
<cp>      : Pokemon CP
<atk>     : Pokemon Attack
<def>     : Pokemon Defence
<sta>     : Pokemon Stamina
<lvl>     : Pokemon Level
<road>    : Street name and number of the location
<poscode> : Postcode of the location
<town>    : Town of the location
<weather> : Weatherboost Icon

The geofile can have multiple entries like:


You can also send the user a start message. Edit the files in "locales/startmsg_<locale>.txt".


  1. is the program for the Telegram bot commands. It manages the settings of the users.

    It knows the following commands:

    help - : Help
    status - : Status of the Bot
    list - : list your Pokemon and Type List
    add - <PokedexID> [IV]: add a Pokemon to the List. IV is not necessary, default 0
    del - <PokedexID>: delete a Pokemon from the List
    setiv - <PokedexID> <IV>: set the min IV% for Pokemon, -1 ignore IV
    setdist - : set the distance for Pokemon, 0 disable
    setlvl - : set the min level for Pokemon
    stop - : deaktivate the Bot
    start - : aktivate the Bot
    mydata - : show your stored data like last position and distance
    deleteall - : delete all your data, no recover

    You can use this for the command list in Telegram ;-)

    The Users Pokemonlist is shared between all the bots connected to the same Database. So a user can switch between the bots by stopping the one and starting another one. He can now use the same List on multiple Bots.
    For multiple instances just start with Parameter -c <CONFIGFILE>

    If a user only wants pokemon within a radius, he can share a location via telegram and set a radius with /setdist
    /setdist 0 disable this function

    reorganize users who have not used the bot for a long time. Days are set in the inifile.

  3. "<MESSAGE>"
    A little tool to send a message to all users.

    This Bot has two modes. A Freemode and an Allowmode. You can toggle the mode with the allowmode Flag in the config.ini.

    In Freemode (allowmode=False) everyone can use the bot.
    If you want certain people not to use the bot just block them -bl <CHATID>.
    The same command unblock the ChatId if it was blocked.

    If you want to use the Allowmode, you can add all allowed ChatId's: -a <CHATID> add a ChatId to the userallow Table. -d <CHATID> delete a ChatId from the userallow Table. -s show all allowed ChatId's from the userallow Table.

    Another way to allow user to use the Bot ist the Authentication with a Telegram group.
    To activate it, put the bot as admin in the group and set tggroup to the GroupChatID.
    So any user within this group is also allowed to use this bot.
    The bot cache the Membership for 5 minutes.
    If a member leaves the group, his or her list is not deleted.

    So the order of authentication is: blocklist -no-> allowlist -no-> telegramgroup -no-> disallow use


13. Jan 2020

Initial Version.

08. Mar 2021

change to Python3

12 . Mar 2021

add distance for Pokemon

13. Mar 2021

add level for Pokemon

14. Mar 2021

add reverse geocoding for Googel and Nominatim

18. Mar 2021

add geofence

21. Mar 2021

add allowmode

01. May 2021

add TelegramGroup allow

24. Jul 2021

add weatherboost icon


Telegram Bot for individual MAD Monster selection








No releases published
