The deployed link
This is an Web Application implementing the yelp application with basic functionality with Angular.js as front end and Node.js as backend, which allows users to search for restaurants and businesses and look at detailed information about them.
The frontend of this website is implemented using the Angular framework and is hosted on google cloud app engine. The backend of this website is implemented using the Node.js and is hosted on google cloud app engine. This website is made responsive with CSS media queries and Bootstrap
There are two routes- Search and bookings.
Additionally, the users can schedule a reservation. Which they can review and also cancel if needed either from bookings url or from the Search url, reservation booking section.
It has the following features -
-Auto complete feature(implemented using Angular Material)
-Auto Detect Location Feature(which makes use of google apis to get location and only works if you are located in the US)
-Displaying top 10 search results based on data given in the form.
-Displaying more information about the data selected from the search results (data fetched from Api Call)
-Share to facebook and twitter functionality
-Angular form validations
-Embedding Google Maps
-Using local storage to store and remove bookings
-Bootstrap responsive grid design
-To run the project, clone the repository and run the command "npm -i" under path "/clients"