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Can edited this page Nov 6, 2021 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the Wikode wiki!

πŸ’Ώ The project scope and features will be revealed in time.

πŸ’» On this page, the research, and technology that is going to use in the project will be explained in here.

πŸ’‘ At the meantime, check out the table of content from the left side bar. You'll see facts about the project.


We are a team that is committed to delivering the best project this class has ever seen in its history. Below are the handsome gentlemen that will make this possible:

  • 🍰 C an Dayan (Project Manager)
  • 🍰 A nΔ±l Turan
  • 🍰 K enan Kural (Project Communicator)
  • 🍰 E mre Γ‡alΔ±k
  • 🍰 S emih Solmaz

πŸ“„ Index

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