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Personal Efforts

Can edited this page Dec 13, 2021 · 8 revisions

Personal Efforts based on tasks are as follows:

🍰 Anıl

Number of tasks Total Duration (Hour) Total Weeks
9 25.5 7
Task Type of work Duration (Hour) Week
#4 Create a file Documentation 1 1
#15 Integrate CI/CD with GitHub action Infrastructure 4 2
#25 Build the project to the Azure machine Infrastructure 1 3
#43 Enhance PR Procedure Documentation 2 4
#63 Define activity model to be used in user activities Infrastructure 2 5
#64 Create Activity Manager Feature 6 7
#73 Add examples to activity stream wiki page Documentation 1 6
#74 Research w3 annotation model for tagging (annotation) Documentation 8 6
#96 Histogram graph shows only 2021 articles Bug 0.5 7

🍰 Can

Number of tasks Total Duration (Hour) Total Weeks
23 41.5 8
Task Type of work Duration (Hour) Week
#1 Summarize the weekly effort Documentation 0.5 1
#7 Pull request procedure Documentation 0.5 1
#8 Project Responsibilities Documentation 0.5 1
#11 Add bug report and feature issue templates Infrastructure 0.5 1
#13 Add code of conduct Documentation 0.5 1
#14 Setup project Infrastructure 2 2
#19 Improve .gitignore Infrastructure 0.5 2
#30 Create tagList and tagDetail mockup. Requirements 4 3
#32 Change library name Infrastructure 0.5 3
#45 Create a draft ghant chart Documentation 2 4
#48 Add Milestones Documentation 1 4
#57 Redirection from register page to login page after successful registration request Bug 1 5
#62 Enhancing the frontend design of login and register pages Feature 4 5
#69 ENTREZ API KEY and EMAIL Feature 1 6
#77 User detail page Feature 2 6
#80 Add profile page Feature 4 6
#87 Add milestone report Documentation 1 7
#99 Milestone report: Lessons learned shall include Mad, Sad, Glad Documentation 1 7
#100 Milestone report: Include observations Documentation 1 7
#113 Following/Unfollowing User Feature 8 8
#121 Another user's profile Feature 3 8
#128 Milestone report 13.12.2021 Documentation 1 8
#131 Can't reach own profile after follow Bug 2 8

🍰 Emre

Number of tasks Total Duration (Hour) Total Weeks
8 20.5 7
Task Type of work Duration (Hour) Week
#5 Create Labels Infrastructure 0.5 1
#36 Create userDetails page mockup Requirements 5 3
#46 Make scenarios more specific Requirements 4 4
#47 Update the mockups Requirements 4 4
#61 Add partial text selection feature Feature 2 6
# Update articleDetail page Feature 2 6
#86 Add author links if exists Feature 2 7
#88 Fix wiki item fetch dropdown Bug 1 7

🍰 Kenan

Number of tasks Total Duration (Hour) Total Weeks
18 40 8
Task Type of work Duration (Hour) Week
# Preparing for the class - Communicator Task Communication 2 5
#6 Prepare for elicitation of revised/additional requirements Documentation 1 1
#14 Project Setup Infrastructure 3 3
#16 Extend Readme Documentation 1 2
#26 Create searchFilter page mockup Requirements 5 3
#28 Update readme file with project setup guide Feature 4 3
#40 Add ss and gifs to Mockups wiki Documentation 2 4
#42 Updating sequence diagrams Desing 3 4
#44 Set up codebase locally Infrastructure 2 4
#48 Add Milestones Documentation 1 4
#58 No redirection when invalid login attemp occurs Bug 2 5
#75 Create front end for home page Feature 2 8
#76 Add filtering for article search Feature 1 6
#97 Histogram value gap is less than 1 Bug 2 7
#98 Histogram shall show searched keyword Feature 1 7

🍰 Semih

Number of tasks Total Duration (Hour) Total Weeks
17 37.5 9
Task Type of work Duration (Hour) Week
#3 Issue procedure and workflow Documentation 1.5 1
#14 Setup project Infrastructure 2.5 2
#20 Create a DockerHub account for the project Infrastructure 0.5 3
#26 Create homePage mockup Requirements 1 3
#33 Add Dockerfile to the project Infrastructure 3 4
#44 Setup the code base Feature 3 4
#55 Basic article search Feature 5
#59 Admin can not view delete user button within user list Bug 0.5 5
#60 populate Db with articles Feature 2 5
#68 Tag a fragment of an article Feature 8 8
#76 Add filtering for article search Feature 5 6
#78 Registration applications cant be rejected Bug 1 9
#90 Web server starts running before database server Infrastructure 1 9
#95 Pagination error Bug 1.5 8
#105 Author identifier causes fetchArticles to save duplicate author Bug 1 8
#109 VM db configurations Infrastructure 1 8

🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰 Everyone (Collaborative works)

Number of tasks Total Duration (Hour) Total Weeks
13 25.5 8
Task Type of work Duration (Hour) Week
#0 Team Meeting #2 Meeting 2 1
# Team Meeting #3 Meeting 2 2
# Team Meeting #4 Meeting 2 2
# Team Meeting #5 Meeting 2 3
# Team Meeting #6 Meeting 2 3
# Team Meeting #7 Meeting 2 4
# Team Meeting #8 Meeting 2 4
#2 Team Meeting #1 Meeting 1 1
#17 Elicitate Requirements Requirements 2 2
#18 Prepare Scenarios Documentation 2.5 2
#27 Prepare the sequence diagrams for scenarios Documentation 3 3
#92 Change cloud platform Feature 2 6
#127 Fill the effort table Documentation 1 8
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