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Team Meeting #3 (18.10.2021)

jajimentol edited this page Oct 18, 2021 · 2 revisions


  • AnΔ±l Turan
  • Can Dayan
  • Emre Γ‡alΔ±k
  • Kenan Kural
  • Semih Solmaz


  • Discussion on weekly assignment
  • Issue management with all team members
  • Discussion on repository feedbacks, shown in class
  • Discussion on branch structure
  • Discussion on which 573 project to be used in this term
  • Discussion on which languages to be used in project
  • Discussion on server select

Meeting Notes

  • Prof. Uskudarli has shared the expectations and new features for the term project.
  • Divide issue opening to team members, everyone should open them.
  • Agreed on following: Every week a different team member will open issues.
  • A development branch will be maintained for development purposes.
  • Semih's project will be used as base.
  • Other projects will be considered feature-wise, code parts might be taken if needed.
  • Requirements will be determined on Saturday meeting. (23.10.2021)
  • Base project will be pushed to repository before saturday meeting.
  • ReadMe will be extended with new details.
  • This week's issue manager is Emre.
  • CI/CD will be implemented with GitHub actions.
  • Research on AWS will be made and discussed on Saturday meeting.

Action Plan

Action Deadline Owner
# Requirements elicitation 23.10.2021 13:00 Everyone
# Review all 573 projects 23.10.2021 13:00 Everyone
# Build Semih's project in the repository 21.10.2021 22:00 Semih-Can
# Extend ReadMe 23.10.2021 13:00 Kenan
# Open issues for this week 23.10.2021 13:00 Emre
# Integrate CI/CD with GitHub action 23.10.2021 13:00 AnΔ±l

Meeting info

  • Location: Google Meet
  • Date: 18.10.2021
  • Time: 22:00 - 23:00
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