The Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools® was established in 1977 to provide license verification, testing, and credentials evaluation of graduates of nursing schools to determine eligibility for nursing practice in the United States. As an immigration-neutral nonprofit, the expanded scope of the organization—now also known as CGFNS International—has been to help foreign-educated nurses and other allied health professionals live and work in their country of choice by assessing and validating their academic and professional credentials.
CGFNS International provides foreign students and healthcare professionals with a comprehensive assessment of their academic records to facilitate their successful admission to schools in the US and other countries.
We also help protect migrating healthcare professionals by advocating for ethical recruitment practices and continuously monitoring the global landscape for developing trends in employment recruitment and workplace norms.
CGFNS International is an NGO in Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), which serves as the central forum for international and social issues.