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Building the Front End

David Tran edited this page Mar 2, 2017 · 1 revision

Clotho 3 consists of front and back ends. The source tree contains a prebuilt front end, so you may skip the steps marked as optional.

[Optional] Build the front end

Front end dependencies

After installing all dependencies successfully, run

cd clotho3-web && bower install && npm install && grunt concurrent:server autoprefixer

Downloads and installs dependencies and builds the front end.

To run client side tests in karma, run grunt test.

grunt dev

For your convenience, the task grunt dev will:

  • start mongo
  • start the clotho server
  • open a web page in Chrome
  • Set up a watch, so that any browser which supports LiveReload will automatically reload the page on changes to client JS, HTML, CSS, and additionally run all karma tests on JS change.
    • There is a Chrome Extension for LiveReload

grunt dev requires mvn to be accessible in PATH (e.g. set in ~/.profile)