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Product Backlog

Hunter Pullishy edited this page Oct 20, 2023 · 7 revisions

Deprecated: Please reference the project backlog found in the project section


User Story ID Description Story Points Risk Level Status
US 01.01.01 As an owner, I want to add an item to my items, with a date of purchase or acquisition, brief description, make, model, serial number (if applicable), estimated value, and comment. 1 Low --
US As an owner, I want to add an item to my collection of items 1 Low --
US As an owner, I want to store an acquisition date with an item 1 Low --
US As an owner, I want to store a description of the item with an item 1 Low --
US As an owner, I want to store the make and model of the item with an item 1 Low --
US As an owner, I want to optionally store the serial number of the item with an item 1 Low --
US As an owner, I want to store an estimated value of the item with an item 1 Low --
US As an owner, I want to optionally store a comment about the item with an item 1 Low --
US 01.02.01 As an owner, I want to view an item and its details. 1 Low --
US 01.03.01 As an owner, I want to edit the details of an item. 2 Low --
US 01.04.01 As an owner, I want to delete an item. 1 Low --

List of Items

User Story ID Description Story Points Risk Level Status
US 02.01.01 As an owner, I want to see a list of my items. 1 Low --
US 02.02.01 As an owner, I want to see the total estimated value of the shown items in the list of items. 2 Low --
US 02.03.01 As an owner, I want to select items from the list of items and delete the selected items. 3 Medium --
US As an owner, I want to select multiple items in the list 3 Medium --
US As an owner, I want to delete selected items 1 Low --
US 02.04.01 As an owner, I want to sort the list of items by date, description, make, or estimated value by ascending or descending order. 3 Low --
US 02.05.01 As an owner, I want to filter the list of items by date range. 2 Low --
US 02.06.01 As an owner, I want to filter the list of items by description keywords. 2 Low --
US As an owner, I want to search all text fields of the items and see if they contain keywords 2 Low --
US 02.07.01 As an owner, I want to filter the list of items by make. 2 Low --


User Story ID Description Story Points Risk Level Status
US 03.01.01 As an owner, I want to define tags that can be used to categorize items. 2 Low --
US 03.02.01 As an owner, I want to specify one or more tags for an item. 2 Low --
US 03.03.01 As an owner, I want to select items from the list of items and apply one or more tags to the selected items. 3 Low --
US Duplicate of US 3 Low --
US As an owner, I want to apply one or more tags to selected items 2 Low --
US 03.04.01 As an owner, I want to sort the list of items by tags. 2 Low --
US 03.05.01 As an owner, I want to filter the list of items by tags. 2 Low --


User Story ID Description Story Points Risk Level Status
US 04.01.01 As an owner, I want to take photos using the camera from the app, and attach one or more photographs to an item of mine. 4 Medium --
US As an owner, I want to take photos from a camera frame in the app 4 Medium --
US As an owner, I want to attach recently taken photos to an item 3 Low --
US 04.02.01 As an owner, I want to use photos from my photo gallery, and attach one or more photographs to an item of mine. 3 Low --
US 04.03.01 As an owner, I want to delete an attached photograph for an item of mine. 1 Low --


User Story ID Description Story Points Risk Level Status
US 05.01.01 As an owner, I want help to specify the serial number for an item by automatically identifying the number from an image taken by the camera. 5 High --
US 05.02.01 As an owner, I want help to specify the description for an item by automatically identifying the product barcode from an image taken by the camera and using associated product information. 5 High --

User Profile

User Story ID Description Story Points Risk Level Status
US 06.01.01 As a user, I want a profile with a unique username. 2 Medium --
US 06.01.01b As a user, I want a profile with a secure password (Stretch goal). 2 High --
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