is a model used to estimate biogenic VOCs emissions, it has been developed by Alex Guenther and his group.
- Fortran GNU compiler
- NetCDF library
⚠ At this moment it only works on UNIX/Linux O.S.
In order to run megan you will need meteorological and land data.
Data required:
- WRF output NetCDF file.
- Land, vegetation and soil fields needed to run
. Global data is freely available from MEGAN GLOBAL DATA.
Go to the src
> cd src/
Edit the Makefile to set the compiler and path to NetCDF lib and include files.
> make
If the compilation is successful, the executable meganv3.3.exe
should be created at the ./exe
⚠ Note that the variables must be adjusted to match the appropriate values for your system. Check your
nc-config --libdir
andnc-config --includedir
to fill NetCDF flags on Makefile.
Edit the namelist namelist_megan
that contains the following variables:
start_date='2019-01-01 18:00:00', !YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
end_date ='2019-01-02 07:00:00', !YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
met_files='wrfout_d01_<date>_<time>', !Pattern of meteo files paths
LSM='NOAH', ! land surface model (LSM) used in meteo
mechanism='CB05', !'RACM2','CB05',CB6_ae7','CRACMM','SAPRC07',
static_file='', ! NetCDF file w/ CTF, EFs, LDF & LAND layers (created by prep_megan)
dynamic_file='', ! NetCDF file w/ LAI, NDEP & NFERT leyers (created by prep_megan)
run_bdsnp = .false. , ! run bdsnp soil model for NO emissions?
prep_megan = .false., ! run prep_megan?
griddesc='GRIDDESC', !GRIDDESC file (describing grid and proj)
gridname='MERC_TEST',!'LCC_TAN_TEST', !gridname to use in GRIDDESC file
eco_glb='input/', ! global ecotype
ctf_glb='input/', ! global canopy type fraction
lai_glb='input/', ! global leaf area index
clim_glb='input/', ! global arid/nonarid soils
land_glb='input/', ! global land type data
ndep_glb='input/', ! global N-deposition flux
fert_glb='input/', ! global N-fertilization flux
GtEcoEF="db/GtEFbyEcotype.csv", !Emission factor of each GT grouped by Ecotype
⚠ Note that the variables must be adjusted to match the appropriate values for your run.
Then execute megan_v3.3.exe
> ./megan_v3.3.exe < namelist_megan
Please feel free to contact the developer if you have any issues or suggestions.
- Portability.
- Find an alternative to sys calls for
- Find an alternative to sys calls for
- Input/Output.
- Incorporate prep-megan.
- Reading multiple meteoroligcal files.
- Support to others meteorological models.
- Science.
- Calculate one gamma per CANTYPE. Then use the corresponding EF for this gamma.
- Implement bdsnp.