- This code is a unofficial implementation of HierSpeech.
- The algorithm is based on the following papers:
Lee, S. H., Kim, S. B., Lee, J. H., Song, E., Hwang, M. J., & Lee, S. W. HierSpeech: Bridging the Gap between Text and Speech by Hierarchical Variational Inference using Self-supervised Representations for Speech Synthesis. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.
- The structure is derived from HierSpeech, but I made several modifications.
- The multi-head attention in the FFT Block has been replaced with linearized attention.
- Discriminator
- Following the advice of the author of the paper, multi stft discriminator have been applied.
- To prevent the discriminator from winning, the gradient penalty is applied through R1 regularization.
- LJ Dataset
- VCTK Dataset
- This repository used the VCTK092 from Torchaudio(https://datashare.is.ed.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/10283/3443/VCTK-Corpus-0.92.zip)
Before proceeding, please set the pattern, inference, and checkpoint paths in Hyper_Parameters.yaml according to your environment.
- Setting basic sound parameters.
- The number of token.
- If
, model use period and stft discriminator, except scale. - If
, model use period and scale discriminator, except stft.
- If
- Setting the parameters of training.
- Setting the batch size when inference
- Setting the inference path
- Setting the checkpoint path
- Setting the tensorboard log path
- Setting using mixed precision
- Setting using multi gpu
- By the nvcc problem, Only linux supports this option.
- If this is
, device parameter is also multiple like '0,1,2,3'. - And you have to change the training command also: please check multi_gpu.sh.
- Setting which GPU devices are used in multi-GPU enviornment.
- Or, if using only CPU, please set '-1'. (But, I don't recommend while training.)
python Pattern_Generate.py [parameters]
- -lj
- The path of LJSpeech dataset
- -hp
- The path of hyperparameter.
- To phoneme string generate, this repository uses phonimizer library.
- Please refer here to install phonemizer and backend
- In Windows, you need more setting to use phonemizer.
- Please refer here
- In conda enviornment, the following commands are useful.
conda env config vars set PHONEMIZER_ESPEAK_PATH='C:\Program Files\eSpeak NG' conda env config vars set PHONEMIZER_ESPEAK_LIBRARY='C:\Program Files\eSpeak NG\libespeak-ng.dll'
python Train.py -hp <path> -s <int>
-hp <path>
- The hyper paramter file path
- This is required.
-s <int>
- The resume step parameter.
- Default is
. - If value is
, model try to search the latest checkpoint.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 OMP_NUM_THREADS=32 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 Train.py --hyper_parameters Hyper_Parameters.yaml --port 54322
- I recommend to check the multi_gpu.sh.