An open-source project to house my HMIS figurings for LSA flags and explanations
This repository would be helpful to any HUD-designated Continuum of Care looking for a way to get more out of their HMIS data.
This is an open source project released under the GNU AGPLv3 license. See LICENSE for more details or visit the official GNU page at
All the code in this repository is written using R and R Studio. Please consult the book R for Data Science for help getting started with R and R Studio.
Generally the scripts here pull from the COHHIOHMIS.RData image from the COHHIO_HMIS project, just like the other projects. There is one exception that I feel bad about, but I will do better going forward. (LSA27404.R)
No HMIS data is ever included in this repository. To make this code work, you will need to supply your own HMIS data. You are responsible for securing your HUD CSV export on your computer and ensuring that it is not compromised using whatever security measures you use for that locally.