TermGame is a small crate that extends tui-rs to make it easy to write TUI games.
Mainly used in COMP6991 at the University of New South Wales,
the crate provides the [Controller
] trait, which is accepted
by the [run_game
] function to start a game using a Crossterm
TUI (provided by tui-rs).
It also wraps many tui features, like [StyledCharacter
], and [Style
use termgame::{SimpleEvent, Controller, Game, GameEvent, StyledCharacter, run_game, KeyCode};
use std::error::Error;
use std::time::Duration;
struct MyGame {}
impl Controller for MyGame {
fn on_start(&mut self, game: &mut Game) {
fn on_event(&mut self, game: &mut Game, event: GameEvent) {
match event.into() {
SimpleEvent::Just(KeyCode::Char(ch)) => {
game.set_screen_char(1, 1, Some(StyledCharacter::new(ch)))
_ => {}
fn on_tick(&mut self, _game: &mut Game) {}
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let mut controller = MyGame {};
// run_game(&mut controller, Duration::from_millis(500))?;
println!("Game Ended!");
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