This is a light SDK for developing on the CPChain mainnet.
This project is only support get blocks and events now. If you want to develop smart contract on CPChain, please view cpchain-cli.
before use this sdk in you code, you should install this package by go mod
go get
- Create a cpchain instance according to the network, if only have the endpoint, it also can use the function
to get network through endpointnetwork, err := cpchain.GetNetWork(endpoint) cpchainclient, err := cpchain.NewCpchain(network)
- Get a wallet instance by importing keystorefile and password
cpchainclient, err := cpchain.NewCpchain(network) wallet, err := cpchainclient.LoadWallet(keystoreFilePath, password) // keystoreFilePath: Where the keystore file for your account is stored
- Tranfer amount to target address through a wallet instance
wallet, err := cpchainclient.LoadWallet(keystoreFilePath, password) tx, err := wallet.Transfer(targetAddress, value)
- Create a new account on the chain, return address and generate a keystore file in the path(dirpath) where you want to store it
cpchainclient, err := cpchain.NewCpchain(network) address, err := cpchainclient.CreateAccount(path, password)
Deploy Contract according to the contract abi and bin ,at the same time, you need a wallet instance to send this transaction
cpchainclient, err := cpchain.NewCpchain(network) address, tx, err := cpchainclient.DepolyContract(abi, bin, wallet) address, tx, err := cpchainclient.DepolyContractByFile(path, wallet) //you also can deploy contract through the contract.json that build by solidity
Call Contract function on a contract instance, this is a tracnsaction, so, you need a wallet instance to send it
cpchainclient, err := cpchain.NewCpchain(network) contractInstance := cpchainclient.Contract(abi, address) // get a contract instance by contract abi and contract address tx, err := contracInstance.Call(wallet, ChainId, method, params...)
View Contract function on a contract instance, get return of function
cpchainclient, err := cpchain.NewCpchain(network) contractInstance := cpchainclient.Contract(abi, address) // get a contract instance by contract abi and contract address result, err := contractInstanc.View(method, params)
- Create account and generate keystore file in the path
go run cmd/account/account.go new -keystorepath ./fixture/account
- Transfer amount to target address
go run cmd/transfer/transfer.go -endpoint -keystore ./fixtures/keystore/UTC--2022-06-09T05-48-04.258507200Z--52c5323efb54b8a426e84e4b383b41dcb9f7e977 -to a565060b9f2990262709075614ecec479ddf2bc7 -value 1
- Deploy Contract
go run cmd/contract/contract.go depoly -endpoint -keystore ./fixtures/keystore/UTC--2022-06-09T05-48-04.258507200Z--52c5323efb54b8a426e84e4b383b41dcb9f7e977 -contractfile ./fixtures/contract/helloworld.json
- Call function of contract
go run cmd/contract/contract.go call -endpoint -keystore ./fixtures/keystore/UTC--2022-06-09T05-48-04.258507200Z--52c5323efb54b8a426e84e4b383b41dcb9f7e977 -contractfile ./fixtures/contract/helloworld.json -contractaddr 0xfD44A7aEFaDfa872Ade30EBE152Fc37E6977fe70 -function helloToSomeOne -params 0x4f5625efef254760301d2766c6cc98f05722963e
- View function of contract
go run cmd/contract/contract.g view -endpoint -contractfile ./fixtures/contract/helloworld.json -contractaddr 0xfD44A7aEFaDfa872Ade30EBE152Fc37E6977fe70 -function hellotime