The CSE department has an initiative to hire more undergraduate students to serve as "readers" or "undergraduate Learning Assistants". Therefore, our senior design project will be to build a platform that facilitates the matching process of students and faculty/courses. The project would involve building a web-application that comes with the following features:
- Allow faculty to request "ULA" positions for their course (post a position)
- Allow students to apply for the position and enter relevant information
- Allow faculty to select from a pool of interested students
- Match faculty to undergraduate/graduate students based on the tasks appointed by the professor (i.e.: Grading papers, separating chemicals for a lab, dissecting frog brains for biological research, etc.)
To run the entire application in dev mode:
- cd into src
- run docker-compose up
The following services will run:
- Backend - localhost port 5000
- Fronted application - localhost port 3000
- PostgreSQL database - locahost port 5432
Backend Structure
- bcrypt
- cors
- passport
- passport-jwt
- passport-local
- command-line-args
- cookie-parser
- cors
- dotenv
- express
- express-async-errors
- helmet
- http-status-codes
- jet-logger
- jsonwebtoken
- module-alias
- morgan
- pg
- reflect-metadata
- typeorm
Dev Dependencies:
- node
- jasmine
- supertest
- eslint-plugin
- parser
- eslint
- nodemon
- ts-node
- tsconfig-paths
- typescript
- @material-ui/core
- @material-ui/icons
- @material-ui/lab
- @testing-library/jest-dom
- @testing-library/react
- @testing-library/user-event
- jest
- node
- react
- react-dom
- react-router-dom
- yup
- axios
- date-fns
- formik
- formik-material-ui
- notistack
- react-scripts
- typescript