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Boilerplate code for composable, injectable and testable enterprise ready, Typescript based bots


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Enterprise boilerplate code for TypeScript based bots built with the Microsoft Botbuilder framework

The best way to get started is with the Yoeman Generator.

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-botboiler

yo botboiler

This base code helps you get started building composable, injectable and testable bots using the software design principles you know and love - like dependency injection and separation of concerns, unit testing and more. The code is not tucked away in an NPM - you have full control over the code to modify as your project needs. The system leverages and builds upon the Microsoft botbuilder framework.

The base code works with restify (for local development), Azure Functions and soon AWS Lambda out of the box.

It's core tenets are that it must be composable, testable, extensible, adhere to separation of concerns and above all be simple, elegant and maintainable.

Create injectable components that can be used by composable dialogs.

Create dialogs, use LUIS or QnA maker, call databases and other services, add authentication and a range of other bot functionality in a nice loosely coupled composable way.

Inject functionality in to your dialogs as required to reduce complexity and increase testability.

export default class qnaDialog extends serviceBase implements contracts.IDialog{
    private _qnaMaker: modelContracts.IQnaComponent; 

    constructor(@inject(modelContracts.modelSymbols.IQnaComponent)qnaMaker: modelContracts.IQnaComponent) {
        this._qnaMaker = qnaMaker;        
    var result = await this._qnaMaker.getAnswer(question);

Once dialogs are registered on the IOC container, they will be automatically added to the bot. Add them to the IOC container by exposing them via the dialogIndex module.

Unit test using the Ava framework and stub and spy the Bot Framework with Sinon.

testStep1_hasEntity(t: TestContext) {
    var next = sinon.spy();
    var textSpy = sinon.spy(builder.Prompts, 'text');
    var session: builder.Session = sinon.createStubInstance(builder.Session);
    func(session, args, next);
    t.true(next.calledOnce);, 0);

Note: This is a work in progress, so much more to come. Please create issues / PRs if you find problems or can think of improvements.

Thanks to @geektrainer and others in the Bot Builder Generator for the inspiration.

What's here

Read this readme first to get started and fire up the code. Then proceed through these next steps:


Before you begin, it's recommended that you're across the following:

Getting Started

Note We are working on a generator to help get started quickly which will be available soon.

Clone this GitHub repo and launch VS Code from the base directory of the project.

Don't forget to run npm install!

Environment Settings

During development, you can place your settings in the .env file located in the root of the project. There are some placholders there already, and you can add more as you please. You'll have to edit _prepConfig() in startup.cs to add the mappings for any new settings.

 private _prepConfig(): IConfig {

    var sh = new serverHelper();

    this._config = {
        port: process.env.port || process.env.PORT || 3978,
        microsoftAppId: process.env.MICROSOFT_APP_ID,
        microsoftAppPassword: process.env.MICROSOFT_APP_PASSWORD,
        luisModelUrl: process.env.LUIS_MODEL_URL,
        serverType: sh.getServerType(),
        KBID: process.env.KBID,
        subscription: process.env.SUBSCRIPTION_KEY

    return this._config;

Set up a new bot

You'll need to set up a new bot on the Microsoft Bot Framework developer site. You can get started with some basic code, but before long you'll need to register for a bot and get your AppId and Password. Creating this is outside the scope of this document.

Once created, pop your AppId and Password in both the .env file and use them to connect in the emulator.


This framework will detect whether it's running on your local machine, in Azure Functions or AWS Lambda.

The system will adjust the host service that gets registered with Inversify to the current platform. The code that does that is here.

For local development, see the steps listed in the next section of this document.

Azure Functions / Azure App Service

This framework will automatically detect and adjust to run inside Azure Functions. If the host service that it gets back does not return a null value for the export function it will export that function so Azure Functions can fire requests in. You can see the code that does this is here.

To deploy you can use Git Deployment, or you can use k-scratch to update your remote Function code immediately as you edit the system (run ks -m -l from ./output/run once you have downloaded your publish profile).

This is the method that is called by Azure Functions each call.

AWS Lambda

Coming soon :)

Debugging your bot using the Bot Framework Emulator

Using the various methods below you can connect to your bot for local debugging. Using one of F5 Debugging in code or "Normal Dev Iteration" using tsc watch and nodemon you can connect to your bot using the Bot Framework Emulator on the default port of 3978.

For more info on the emulator here and downloads for Windows, Mac and Linux here.

Working with the framework

This project and documentation is based on Visual Studio Code but you can of course use any tool that works well with Node and Typescript!

There are a few modes of development you might like to choose depending on your development phase.

Normal Dev Iteration

Watch mode. You're working away and you want the code to recompile and the test bot server always be up to date.

This mode is simple to start (instructions are for Visual Studio Code)

  • Kick off a build using ctrl-shift-b. On the output screen you should see something like 10:14:11 AM - Compilation complete. Watching for file changes.
  • Open a new terminal window (ctrl-~ is the default shortcut to bring this up.)
  • Type npm run outputwatch to watch output file changes using nodemon.
  • Edit your files, connect to your bot and off you go!

By using tsc in watch mode your Typescript code will be transpiled to the output/run directory. This will then cause nodemon to restart your server with the latest changes every time you save. Nice! You'll see outputs to this effect in your terminal window.


Note on working with many terminal windows in VS Code When working with multiple terminals, it can become cumbersome to need to switch between them with the mouse all the time. Luckily you can add a keyboard short cuts. Press ctrl-shift-p, type keyboard and select Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts File. Add the following shortcuts:

// Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults
        "key": "ctrl-alt-left",
        "command": "workbench.action.terminal.focusPrevious"
        "key": "ctrl-alt-right",
        "command": "workbench.action.terminal.focusNext"

Note Pressing ctrl-shift-b in VS Code will kick off a build that will never stop - i.e. runs tsc in watch mode which will never exit until you break out. You'll know this is the case because of the "spinny thing" ™ in the bottom left hand corner. To kill it, just run the build again - a message at the top of the screen will ask if you want to terminate it.


Debug Dev

Debug mode. You've been working away, and have a bug that you need to debug.

Note Make sure other build / monitor processes are not running by switching to the terminal tabs and pressing ctrl-c e.g. you've run tsc and nodemon using the steps outlined above. See the note above about the spinny thing and breaking out of a tsc watch. Also make sure that test monitors are not running as this might cause unknown stuff to occur.

Just press F5 and the app should build, and a debugger will attach ready for you to debug. Thanks to source maps you create all your breakpoints in your TS files and VS Code will manage breaking the right spot (even though it's running the transpiled .js files)

debugging in code

Normal Test

You're working on unit/integration tests. You want them to just run as you work.

Note See the section on unit testing for more info here, this is just the getting started bit.

This is the fun part. It's a bit like the "Normal Dev Iteration" above where it runs tsc in watch mode, but this time instead of nodemon firing up a server, we use ava in watch mode to automatically run your tests - when ever you save.

Make sure the build isn't running (yep - spinny thing no no).

You'll need two terminals for this. In the first one, type npm run testwatchbuild. This will kick off tsc in watch mode for the tests sub folder which outputs to output/test/tests. It will also publish the other src folder under output/test because it is a dependency.

The next thing is to start ava in watch mode. Type npm run testwatchava. Ava will now wait for changes on the transpiled files and will automatically run your tests.

Debug Test

Unit/integration tests are not behaving. You need some help debugging them

You can connect a debugger for your tests. The way ava works, you cannot simply set your startup file as usual and attach the code debugger. We have however set up a launch task that does the special ava way.

First, you need to select which test file to attach to. Open launch.json and find the task named "Launch Test". Edit the args to point to the transpiled file location. Don't worry, you can still set breakpoints in your original TS files - VS Code handles all that for you again thanks to source maps.

"args": [

From the debug menu bot_debugbutton in VS Code select "Launch Test" from the drop down and press F5.

Note Sometimes the break points can get a bit out of wack - especially with async code. If this is the case, then use debugger; in your code to do it manually - that seems to work better!

Next Steps

Now you're ready to create your first dialog.



Boilerplate code for composable, injectable and testable enterprise ready, Typescript based bots







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Contributors 3
