Daily Logs
File Legend
- 3-year all-cause mortality after first readmission.
- Finalized 5 figures for the publication
- Added number of deaths within 2 years from the initial HF discharge, a table and a plot.
- Added unadjusted and adjusted models for 1-year all-cause readmission vs. 2-year all-cause death.
- Added readmission type vs. 1-year all-cause mortality analysis
- Dr. Kostis' requests
- Redraw Figures 1 (number of new HF patients over time), 2 (number of events at fiollow-up over time) and 3 (odds ratios, full models) to TIFF; remove plot titles and legends.
- Add a table and a figure for all-cause mortality in patients who were readmitted vs. not readmitted.
- Added linear models for trends.
- Added age-by-year and tables ICD-9/ICD-10 codes defining comorbidities and cause of death.
- Mike finished AHA2019 abstract.
- Added hospital characteristics and correlation of binary variables.
- Added reason for readmission and the length of stay.
- Repository created.
- Analysis data set created.
- All GLM models ran
source/midas15_hf_data_v1.R: make analysis data set.
midas15_hf_analysis_v1.Rmd: analysis script