Code for DeformIrisNet: An Identity-Preserving Model of Iris Texture Deformation
To run the network to dilate a single pupil image, use as follows:
python <weight_path> <small_pupil_image_path> <big_pupil_mask_image_path>
The weight is the .pth file provided here: . A large pupil image will be saved as dilated.png, play around with the mask and see the output.
The paper can be found here:
title = {DeformIrisNet: An Identity-Preserving Model of Iris Texture Deformation},
author = {Khan, Siamul Karim and Tinsley, Patrick and Czajka, Adam},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision},
pages = {900--908},
year = {2023}