This is a PyTorch implementation of paper: Motif Graph Neural Network
- Python == 3.8
- PyTorch == 1.12.1
- DGL == 0.9.0
- PyTorch Geometric == 1.7.2
- NumPy == 1.18.0
- SciPy == 1.6.2
- MGNN/data/GraphMGNN_DATA/: datasets for graph classification
- ./AIDS/raw: original dataset of AIDS
- ./AIDS/processed: processed dataset of AIDS
- ./ProcessedMotif.7z: processed motif data of AIDS, ENZYMES and MUTAG.
The introduction of ./ENZYMES and ./MUTAG is the same as above.
- MGNN/data/NodeMGNN_DATA/: datasets for node classification
- ./Cora/raw: original dataset of Cora
- ./Cora/processed: processed dataset of Cora
- ./processed/motif_adj4Cora: contain 13 motif-based adjacency matrices of Cora
The introduction of ./CiteSeer, ./PubMed and ./chem2bio2rdf is the same as above.
MGNN/MGNN_Graph/: graph classification code of MGNN
- implementation of a MGNN layer
- build 13 motif adjacency matrices for each graph
- implementation of building 13 motif adjacency matrices for a graph and other utility functions
- MGNN implementation, training and evaluation
MGNN/MGNN_Node/: node classification code of MGNN on Cora, Citeseer and Pubmed
- implementation of a MGNN layer
- implementation of building 13 motif adjacency matrices for a graph and other utility functions
- MGNN implementation, training and evaluation
MGNN/MGNN_CBR/: node classification code of MGNN on Chem2Bio2RDF and the introduction of its subdirectory is the same as MGNN/MGNN_Node/.
- Please unzip all 7z files to their directory first.
within MGNN/
- For graph classification task, run the following scripts: ./MGNN_Graph/
- For node classification task, run the following scripts:
- on Cora, Citeseer and Pubmed: ./MGNN_Node/
- on Chem2Bio2RDF: ./MGNN_CBR/
If you find this code useful, please cite the following:
author={Chen, Xuexin and Cai, Ruichu and Fang, Yuan and Wu, Min and Li, Zijian and Hao, Zhifeng},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems},
title={Motif Graph Neural Network},