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Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm Abdelkader, a passionate software developer currently pursuing a Master's degree in Software Engineering. With practical experience in various programming languages and technologies, I am committed to becoming a skilled software developer. I thrive on challenges and am eager to contribute to innovative projects.
- Languages: Java, SQL, Python, JavaScript, Shell scripting, C, C#, C++.
- Frameworks: Java SE, JavaFX, JUnit, .Net.
- Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL.
- Web Technologies: HTML5/CSS3, REST.
- Methodologies: UML, SCRUM, AGILE.
- Containers & Virtualization: Docker.
- Design Patterns: MVC.
- Collaboration Tools: Git, Trello.
- Languages: Fluent in French (DALF C1, TCF C2) and English (IELTS C1).
Organizing Committee of the 2022 Mediterranean Games, Oran
- Interactive Training Certification: Communication and Stress Management
- Interactive Training Certification: Software & Hardware
Winner Software Cisco Networking Academy
- Training Certificate (Java Android / MySQL)
- Training Certificate (Python Programming - Level 1)
- Training Certificate (Webmaster)
International Management Institute - INSIM Oran
- Training Certificate (Introduction to Computing and Office Automation)
Preparing for :
- Oracle Certified : Java Foundations | 1Z0-811
- Oracle Certified : Database Foundations | 1Z0-006
- Microsoft Certified: Power Platform Fundamentals
Sensor Network with BCM4Java Framework (Ongoing)
- BCM4Java_sensors
- Developed a prototype for distributed sensor supervision using BCM4Java to simulate environmental sensor networks.
- Skills: J2SE, RMI, JVM, parallel and distributed programming, software componentization.
- BCM4Java_sensors
Binary Decision Diagrams (Advanced Algorithms)
- binary-decision-diagram
- Implemented algorithms for generating reduced and ordered binary decision diagrams.
- Skills: Java, Combinatorial optimization.
- binary-decision-diagram
Benchmarking optimistic solutions for test data generation from JSON-Schema
- Benchmarking-generation-donnees-JSON-Schema
- Exploration of the limits of optimistic approaches for generating schema instances by combining fragments, with the possibility of using an external validator to correct errors. The analysis is based on an open-source library chosen for its extensive coverage of schema language operators:
- Study of the state of the art to understand JSON-Schema and instance generation from a schema.
- Reverse engineering of the 3 libraries to describe their operation.
- Experimental analysis using real and synthetic schemas.
- Skills: Python (programming language), JavaScript
- Exploration of the limits of optimistic approaches for generating schema instances by combining fragments, with the possibility of using an external validator to correct errors. The analysis is based on an open-source library chosen for its extensive coverage of schema language operators:
- Benchmarking-generation-donnees-JSON-Schema
Professional trainings website
- Systeme-de-gestion-des-annonces-de-formations-professionnelles
- Website for the Francophone Digital Campus partner of Oran:
- Frontend, Backend, and database with HTML5/CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL.
- Skills: SQL, JavaScript
- Website for the Francophone Digital Campus partner of Oran:
- Systeme-de-gestion-des-annonces-de-formations-professionnelles
- Online Courses and Tutorials: Constantly expanding knowledge through online platforms like GitHub Education, jetBrains Education, Microsoft Learn and Oracle University.
- Tech Meetups and Conferences: Attending industry events to network and stay updated on the latest trends and technologies.