This implementation uses the RMT driver from ESP-IDF
It can be used to control any of the eight channels of the RMT module.
This component was tested with ESP-IDF v4.1.
The example application is in the example
directory and is used for compile checking.
For a better example, see the ESP32DLEDController component.
The code ( with ESP32DLEDController ) was tested on the following boards / devices:
- ESP32-DevKitC board with a level convertor made from two 74HCT1G04 inverters
- pax-LampD1
- Dev33-DLED - uses SN74LV1T34 logic level shifter connected to an ESP32-WROOM-32 module
- Dev34-DLEDGrid - uses SN74LV1T34 logic level shifter connected to an ESP32-WROOM-32 module
- a LED strip with 300 WS2812B digital LEDs + Mean Well EPS-65S-5 power source
- a 8x8 LED board with WS2812 digital LEDs + Sony VTC6 18650 Battery
Main tools used where Espressif IoT Development Framework and ESP32 toolchain for Linux (see Standard Setup of Toolchain for Linux for the latest version).
Editing was done in Visual Studio Code.
Version control with Git.
This software and its documentation are released under the GNU GPLv3 License. See the LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
This is an improved version of the one used by me previously in the esp32_digitalLEDs repository.