This is a MEAN Stack Authentication application I, Ville Saloranta, made. It is the main project as part of the Software Development Skills: Full-Stack anytime course hosted by LUT University.
This repository contains the following:
- The Project
- Learning diary
- Links to seeing the project run & a video demonstration
The four exercise modules and their GitHub repository can be by clicking this link
As for the mandatory (in terms of course evaluation) video, it can be found by clicking this link
First you have to create a .env file that contains a string in a variable called MONGODB. This string is used to establish a connection to a MongoDB cluster. A cluster can be established for free on the MongoDB official website.
The repository comes with the Angular-Cli front-end already built. All you need to do is run the following commands on your terminal:
Installing the dependencies:
npm install
Running the application:
npm run dev
Now the application should run on port 3000.
In case you run into issues, you can run the following commands to build the Angular-Cli again. Run the following commands, if you wish to do so.
Changing the directory to the Angular front-end side:
cd angular-src
Installing dependencies of Angular:
npm install
Building the Angular Application:
ng build
Now you should have a public folder that allows the application to be run on port 3000, by default.
If you see plenty of errors, they are most likely false positives that do not hinder the ability of the application to run properly, especially if you have not changed the version of any of the dependencies.