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Grimm edited this page Apr 11, 2022 · 1 revision

Maps in the adventure mode are created with the tool Tiled

Open the tiled-project under <adventure>/maps/main.tiled-project


This will allow you to edit the maps and tile sets.
To interact with the player, objects needs to be added to the Objects layer.

Objects templates are stored in the "obj" folder, but are not necessary. Impotent are the types of the object and his properties.

Object types


will spawn an Enemy on the map. On collide with the player a magic duel will be started.
If the player win, the enemy will be removed from the map and the player will get the reward.
If the player loose, then the player will move 1 step back and receive the standard penalty.
Loot is also defined as enemy without a deck, then the player will receive the reward right away. Properties:
enemy name of the enemies


Will spawn an shop on the map. On collide the player will enter the shop.

shopList List of possible shop, leave it empty for all shops.
signXOffset x offset for the shop sign.
signYOffset y offset for the shop sign.


Will spawn an inn the map. On collide the player will enter the inn.



Will be used as the map entry and exit. On collide the player will be teleported to an other map or the over world.

direction the position where to spawn. up means the player will be teleported to the upper edge of the object rectangle. teleport The map where the player gets teleported. If the property is empty, then the player will be teleported to the over world. teleportObjectId the object id where the player will be teleported. If empty then it will search for an entry object, that would teleport the player back to the source map.

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