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Future Ways to Play

friarsol edited this page Apr 10, 2022 · 1 revision

There are many ways to play Magic. This page exists to house rulesets that haven't been added to Forge yet.

Open House

2-player, one mentor and one player who has never played before, sealed unsanctioned. Materials, two open house boxes, each containing a pair of monocolor 30-card decks
  1. Each player chooses a box, which contains two 30-card decks. Both decks are prebuilt 30-card decks, and one of the decks in the box is the color shown on the box. The other deck is a different color.
  2. Players choose which deck to play with. They may combine both decks from their box if desired.
  3. Players reveal their decks to one another before shuffling.
  4. The match begins.
  5. The mentor should do their best to make sure the new player is enjoying the game.

Booster Battle

2-player, sealed limited unsanctioned. Materials: one Booster Battle blister containing two preconstructed monocolor 30-card decks, two booster packs
  1. Unwrap the decks, and decide which player gets which deck.
  2. Each player opens a booster pack and chooses up to five cards to add to their deck.
  3. Shuffle up and play!

Prerelease (typical)

Sanctioned, limited, sealed tournament. Materials: 6 boosters and one promo. (Varies by release) Each match is 2-player.
  1. 30 minute timer starts.
  2. Each player opens their boosters and receives their promo card.
  3. Deck size is 40 minimum, the traditional five basic lands may be added to the pool. Sideboard size is unlimited.
  4. After 30 minutes are up, timed matches begin.
  5. Players are free to use a different deck each game if they choose as long as it comes from the same starting pool.

Duel Decks

2-player, unsanctioned, sealed. Materials: Duel Decks box containing two 60-card precons.
  1. Unwrap the decks, and decide which player gets which deck.
  2. Shuffle up and play!

Starter Set

2-player, unsanctioned, sealed. Materials: Blister or box set containing two prestacked 30-card decks and learn-to-play walkthrough guides.
  1. Unwrap the decks, and decide which player gets which deck.
  3. Play.


So you want to assemble a Contraption?

No problem! Follow these $\xcancel{\sf{four}}$ $\hat{H}|\psi(t)\rangle = i\hbar\frac {\normalsize\,\,\,\circlearrowright\!\!\!\!\!\circlearrowleft\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\small\curlyeqsucc\normalsize\!\!\!\!\!\!\cdotp\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\small\ldotp\normalsize\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\cdotp\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\small\curlyeqprec} {\normalsize\,\,\,\circlearrowright\!\!\!\!\!\circlearrowleft\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\small\curlyeqsucc\normalsize\!\!\!\!\!\!\cdotp\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\small\ldotp\normalsize\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\cdotp\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\small\curlyeqprec\!\!t} |\psi(t)\rangle$ easy steps and you'll be slapping together devious devices in no time!

  1. Contraptions start each game in a separate deck: the Contraption deck. DON'T mix your Contraptions up with the rest of your cards!

  2. The Contraption deck has three sprockets. Start the game with a CRANK! counter on Sprocket 3.

  3. How do you assemble a Contraption? Reveal the top card of your Contraption deck, then choose one of your sprockets. Your Contraption enters the battlefield under that sprocket.

  4. At the beginning of your upkeep, if you control a Contraption, move the CRANK! counter to your next sprocket and crank any number of Contraptions on that sprocket, putting their triggered abilities onto the stack. Remember the sprocket order: $\Bbb{1}\to\Bbb{2}\to\Bbb{3}\to\Bbb{1}$ ...

In Limited, you can play as many Contraptions as you have in your pool. How and when your Contraptions are assembled may yield wildly varying results from game to game. Experiment with different combinations and sequences and you're $\xcancel{\sf{likely}}$ CERTAIN to create something $\xcancel{\sf{interesting}}$ ⚡MONUMENTALLY POWERFUL!!!⚡

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