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Anthony Calosa edited this page Dec 5, 2022 · 2 revisions

The required versions of the toolchain are documented here.

In order to build and sign the android release, you will need the forge.keystore file (which is not present in the repository). This file will need to be placed in the forge-gui-android folder. This file should never be committed to the repository.

In preparation for the android release, update the version recorded in the following files:


In the first two, you're looking for alpha-version (~line 10 in both files) and setting the string accordingly. In the last one, you're looking for the declaration of CURRENT_VERSION (~line 37) and setting it to the same value as the previous two files.

Commit the changes to these three files to the repository with an appropriately descriptive commit message.

A script such as the following will compile and sign the android build:

export ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk/
export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx2g"
mvn -U -B clean \\
    -P android-release-build,android-release-sign \\
    install \\
    -Dsign.keystore=forge.keystore \\
    -Dsign.alias=Forge \\
    -Dsign.storepass=${FORGE_STOREPASS} \\

Once the above build has successfully completed and passed any desired testing, the following will build, sign, and publish the build:

export ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk/
export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx2g"
mvn -U -B clean \\
    -P android-release-build,android-release-sign,android-release-upload \\
    install \\
    -Dsign.keystore=forge.keystore \\
    -Dsign.alias=Forge \\
    -Dsign.storepass=${FORGE_STOREPASS} \\
    -Dsign.keypass=${FORGE_KEYPASS} \\
    -Dcardforge.user=${FORGE_FTP_USER} \\

After this, the appropriate forum posts will need to be made announcing the new release.

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