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Adds chunk events to write and read data from a chunk NBT


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Chunk Data API


For setup instructions please see the fabric wiki page that relates to the IDE that you are using.


An example usage, using pollution as a value that needs to be saved in a chunk:

// on the ModInitializer
public class MOD implements ModInitializer {
    public static final Identifier POLLUTION_CHUNK_DATA = new Identifier(MOD_ID, "pollution");
    public void onInitialize() {
        // ...
        CustomDataRegistry.register(POLLUTION_CHUNK_DATA, new FloatDataType(() -> 0)); // starts at 0 pollution
        // CustomDataRegistry.register(POLLUTION_CHUNK_DATA, new FloatDataType(() -> 10*(new Random()).nextFloat())); // starts at a random (0-10) pollution

// on a block that emits pollution

public class BLOCK extends Block {
    public void randomTick(BlockState state, ServerWorld world, BlockPos pos, Random random) {
        float current = CustomDataManager.getData(world, ChunkPos.fromRegion(pos.getX(), pos.getY()), POLLUTION_CHUNK_DATA); // gets the current data
        CustomDataManager.setData(world, pos, POLLUTION_CHUNK_DATA, current + 1); // sets new data

Step by step:

  1. Create a new Identifier to identify the custom chunk data (use yours mod id to avoid possible errors with other mods).
  2. Register a new data type using CustomDataRegistry#register, using its Identifier and a new DataType, in this case, we used a FloatDataType which will serialize and deserialize a float number for us, the argument in its constructor is a Supplier which will generate the starting data in the chunk.
  3. Use CustomDataManager#getData to get the data associated with the given Identifier.
  4. Use CustomDataManager#setData to set the new data, and it will be associated with the given Identifier.

Breaking down all the 4 steps:


Its just using the same system that minecraft uses to register its blocks, items, etc.

I suggest also using the mod id to distinguish between mods.


The only method that needs to be used is register which take an Identifier and a DataType.

The DataType system its a bit complex to use. If you only need to save one or two values to all chunks, then use some wrapper like one of the following:

  1. BooleanDataType which serializes a boolean
  2. ByteDataType which serializes a byte
  3. DoubleDataType which serializes a double
  4. FloatDataType which serializes a float
  5. IntDataType which serializes an integer
  6. LongDataType which serializes a long
  7. ShortDataType which serializes a short
  8. StringDataType which serializes a String

Every one of this uses a Supplier which will supply a default value to the chunk upon creation of the custom data. If you need a more flexible DataType, you can use CustomDataType, which will take a Supplier, as the wrapper DataType. But it needs a custom serializer to read and write data from the chunk NBT.

Some Builtin serializers are:

  1. BlockSerializer
  2. ItemSerializer Which will serialize a block or an item. Its basic usage is:
public static final Identifier ITEM_DATA = new Identifier(MOD_ID, "item");
// ...
CustomDataRegistry.register(ITEM_DATA, new CustomDataType<>(() -> Registry.ITEM.get((new Random()).nextInt(Registry.ITEM.size())), new ItemSerializer()));

Which will register a new DataType with:

  1. Id of ITEM_DATA
  2. A Supplier which will give a random base-item for every chunk (one can be "minecraft:cake", and the next to it can be "my_mod:some_item")
  3. An ItemSerializer, which will serialize and deserialize the item for you

With this in mind, you can make your own serializer. Something like this:

public class MagicLevel {
    public float whiteMagic;
    public float blackMagic;
    public float baseMagic;
    public float mana;

    public MagicLevel(float whiteMagic, float blackMagic, float baseMagic, float mana) {
        this.whiteMagic = whiteMagic;
        this.blackMagic = blackMagic;
        this.baseMagic = baseMagic;
        this.mana = mana;
    public static MagicLevel getDefault() {
        return new MagicLevel(50, 20, 10, 10);

Needs a serializer like this:

public class MagicLevelSerializer implements Serializer<MagicLevel> {
    public void serialize(NbtCompound parent, MagicLevel obj) {
        parent.putFloat("white_magic", obj.whiteMagic);
        parent.putFloat("black_magic", obj.blackMagic);
        parent.putFloat("base_magic", obj.baseMagic);
        parent.putFloat("mana", obj.mana);

    public MagicLevel deserialize(NbtCompound parent) {
        return new MagicLevel(

And, will be registered like this:

CustomDataRegistry.register(MAGIC_LEVEL_DATA, new CustomDataType<>(MagicLevel::getDefault, new MagicLevelSerializer()));

And can be used in something like this:

    public TypedActionResult<ItemStack> use(World world, PlayerEntity player, Hand hand) {
        MagicLevel magicLevel = CustomDataManager.getData(world, player.getChunkPos(), ChunkData.MAGIC_LEVEL_DATA);
        if (magicLevel.mana > 1) {
            // do something magic
            magicLevel.mana -= 1;
            CustomDataManager.setData(world, player.getBlockPos(), ChunkData.MAGIC_LEVEL_DATA, magicLevel);
        // ...


Its the data manager, which will be used for setData and getData. It must be notified of any change so it can save it to the chunk NBT. You can notify the CustomDataManager using the setData (setData will notify in every case) or notify method. Or notify the chunk using chuk.setNeedsSaving(true); which will also notify the CustomDataManager.

Both methods have a lot or overloads, and might have more in the future.


Adds chunk events to write and read data from a chunk NBT







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