A keras Tensorflow code using Mobilenetv2 to recognise Robotic or Human activities
- cd ~/mobile_activity/data
- add all images for one single activity into dataset_gen/images (each activity should be annotated separately)
- cd scripts
- fill in the full path in XMLGenerator.py line16: path_to_package = pathlib.Path('####/data')
- run python3 ~/mobile_activity/data/scripts/create_training_material_dataset.py /full/path/to/mobile_activity/data/dataset_gen/images /full/path/to/mobile_activity/data/ '1st_activity' '0'
- change only the name and label of activity starting with label 0 up in the last 2 arguments for other classes
- pay attention when repeated for other activities to save images and annotations somewhere else to avoid overwrite
- Once all classes has been annotated bring back now all images to dataset_gen/images and all annotations to dataset_gen_annotations
- gedit ~/mobile_activity/training/scripts/generate_dataset.py
- add the number of your images in dataset_gen/images to "length" and save to the executable at line 93
- cd ~/mobile_activity/training
- run python3 ~/mobile_activity/training/scripts/generate_dataset.py ~/mobile_activity/data/ 96 ~/mobile_activity/training/
- we could choose for resolution (second argument) instead of 96 either 128, 160, 192, 224 or any add 32 but 96 is least demanding while training on a single laptop GPU or even worst on few laptop CPUs
- It is always recommended to install tensorflow GPU with CUDA check this out!
- gedit ~/mobile_activity/training/scripts/train_model.py in line119 change the 5 in "x = Dense(5,activation='softmax', name='fc' )(x)" to the number of activity classes prepared in the database (minimum 3) then save to the executable
- cd ~/mobile_activity/training
- run python3 ~/mobile_activity/training/scripts/train_model.py 96 1.0 30 64 5 6 activity_model None 1 0.001 0.000001 None
- the executable arguments respectively are:
- image resolution
- mobilenetv2 parameter alpha
- epochs
- batch size
- patience (how many epochs to wait before reducing a fraction of the learning rate)
- threads
- name of the model
- best weights file name (it is set to none because we're starting from scratch otherwise to start from a pretrained file, it should be saved in bk folder we created in mobile_activity/training repo after the last training session)
- number of elements to output (in this case we have only 1 since it's a classification algorithm)
- initial learning rate
- final minimal learning rate
- path to the training repo (it is defaulted with None)
- to use tensorboard from another terminal run tensorboard --logdir="./path/to/mobile_activity/training/logs_gen" --port 7007
- in the browser go to http://localhost:7007/ to check the graphs
- adjust the classes according to the labels in the executables predict_video.py and predict_cam.py
- from videos: run python3 predict_video.py --model model/activity.model --label-bin model/lb.pickle --input example_clips/activity.mp4 --output output/activity_128avg.avi --size 128
- from live feed camera: run python3 predict_cam.py --model model/activity.model --label-bin model/lb.pickle --size 128
- https://www.robotigniteacademy.com/en/course/deep-learning-with-domain-randomization/
- https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2019/07/15/video-classification-with-keras-and-deep-learning/