This app is just a library to encrypt and decrypt texts and any other variables with a salt.
Secret encrypter for keys, api-keys, envs or others
To install in project
npm install @cartago-git/keyer
or for global install
npm install --global @cartago-git/keyer
Usage: keyer [options] or [command]
-v, --version output Keyer current version
-er, encrypt-route <encrypt-route> route from file to encrypt (default: ".env")
-edr, encrypted-route <encrypted-route> route from file when it will be encrypted (default: "keyer/encrypted.txt")
-dr, decrypted-route <decrypted-route> route from file when it will be decrypted (default: "keyer/decrypted.txt")
-h, --help output Keyer help
encrypt [options] encrypt command cli
decrypt [options] decrypt command cli
Usage: keyer encrypt [options]
encrypt command cli
-f, --file <file> route where is the file for encrypting (default: ".env")
-o, --output <output> route where file encrypted will create (default: "keyer/encrypted.txt")
-s, --salt <salt> secret salt (required option)
-h, --help output Keyer help
Usage: keyer decrypt [options]
decrypt command cli
-f, --file <file> route file (default: "keyer/encrypted.txt")
-o, --output <output> route where file will decrypted (default: "keyer/decrypted.txt")
-s, --salt <salt> secret salt (required option)
-co, --create-output create file output (default: false)
-h, --help output Keyer help
Básic Methods
import {encrypt, decrypt, encryptAny, decryptAny}
encrypt(props: {
toEncrypt: string;
secretSalt: string;
showLog?: boolean; // (default:true)
}) => string
encryptAny(props: {
toEncrypt: any;
secretSalt: string;
showLog?: boolean; // (default:true)
}) => string
decrypt(props: {
toDecrypt: string;
secretSalt: string;
showLog?: boolean; // (default:true)
}) => string
decryptAny<T = any>(props: {
toDecrypt: string;
secretSalt: string;
showLog?: boolean; // (default:true)
}) => T
Commands Methods
import {keyerCommand, encryptCommand, decryptCommand}
encryptRoute: string;
encryptedRoute: string;
decryptedRoute: string;
}) => void
file: string;
output: string;
salt: string;
}) => void
file: string;
output: string;
salt: string;
createOutput?: boolean // (default:false)
}) => void
For Example:
import {encrypt, decrypt, encryptAny, decryptAny}
const salt = "This is just a secret salt that you must hide for others";
const apiKey = 'api_false_example_to_show'
// To get the encrypted Hash
const apiKeyHash = encrypt({
toEncrypt: apiKey,
secretSalt: salt
// to get decrypt the Hash
const apiKeyDecrypted = decrypt({
toDecrypt: apiKeyHash,
secretSalt: salt
// NOTE - Example - With an object or other var kind
const objectToEncrypt = {
name: 'Joe',
prename: 'Doe',
age: 30
// To get the encrypted Hash
const objectHash = encryptAny({
toEncrypt: objectToEncrypt,
secretSalt: salt
// to get decrypt Hash
const objectDecrypted = decryptAny({
toDecrypt: objectHash,
secretSalt: salt
console.log({apiKeyHash, apiKeyDecrypted, objectHash, objectDecrypted})
Every function has a showLog prop in true, just put it to false if doesnt want the encrypt log
toEncrypt: apiKey,
secretSalt: salt,
showLog: false
- string
- number
- boolean
- null
- undefined
- object - (except with props with disallowed types or instances)
- array - (except if It has some disallowed type or instance)
- Object
- Date
- RegExp
- Map
- Set
- Error
- Function
- Symbol
- Bigint
- any other non-serializable object