The Software Engineering term project in fall 2016.
- All files on github
- Extract to the project folder.
- Open the SEProject.sln with Visual Studio.
- Press F7 to build project.
I only use two styles for all source files.
For function names, variable names Code:
void thisIsTheFunction();
int thisIsTheVariable;
For class names, struct names Code:
class ThisIsAClass;
struct ThisIsAStruct;
There is no rules for indentation. The code below is just for reference.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int countFactorial(int theInputNumber) {
int result = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < theInputNumber; ++i)
result *= i + 1;
return result;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
cout << "This is an example of ultra long line of text, or a long text segment." << endl
<< "It's recommended to seperate deferent lines in source codes." << endl
<< "This is the last line." << endl;
int theMagic = 1234;
switch(theMagic) {
case firstCase:
cout << "This is the first case." << endl;
case secondCase:
cout << "This is the second case." << endl;
cout << "This is the default case." << endl;
return 0;