"Cat System" is a regular meet-up focusing on “system software”. We would like to gather all developers to share their experience regarding system software and learn from each other, making system software more perfect and complete! If you are interested in sharing on our meet-up, please send you topic to: cat4 at skymizer.com
「系統貓」是一個討論「系統軟體」議題的定期性社群聚會,我們期望聚集各開發者們在這與我們分享交流在系統軟體的相關經驗,彼此切磋琢磨,讓系統軟體更加完備!我們徵求「系統」、「效能」、「優化」、「Profiling」、「Compiler」的相關主題,投稿請來信: cat4 at skymizer.com
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cat.system/
KKTIX: http://skymizer.kktix.cc/
Github Page: https://github.com/CatSystemWorkshop/meetup/
Cat System #26 C++ 勇者升級 03 : 物件與生命週期
活動地點由 Skymizer 贊助。
地址:台北市內湖區瑞光路 408 號12樓之2(近捷運西湖站 1 號出口)
The meet-up location is sponsored by Skymizer
Skymizer inc | 12F-2., No.408, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan
COSCUP 2017 Cat System Workshop & Taiwan Linux Kernel Hackers & Hsinchu Coding Serfs Meeting gathered on COSCUP2017, here is the slides and videos: https://hackmd.io/s/rk9YLbLD-
#20 2017/10/03:C++ 勇者升級 02:Singleton by Luba
#19 2017/09/05:C++ 勇者升級 01:Introduction to C++ interface
#11. 2016/09/20:Dynamically Hacking the Kernel with Containers by 高魁良
#10. 2016/08/09:LLVM 框架,由淺入淺 by Hydai
#9. 2016/07/19:hyperC OS on ARM Cortex by Howard Chen
#8. 2016/07/05:Meet cute-between-ebpf-and-tracing by Villar Hsiao
#7. 2016/06/21:Skymizer intelligent compiler by Luba
#6. 2016/05/24:Parallelize deep learning on GPUs by Bafu Chen
#5. 2016/05/10:Mobile GPU 二三事 by Mindows
#4. 2016/04/26:MCU 與 lightweight javascript engine 的邂逅 by Blue
#3. 2016/04/12:資料庫索引數據結構及主鍵設計 by Ant
#2. 2016/03/22:LLVM Greedy Register Allocation by Kai
#1. 2016/03/08:STM(Software Transactional Memory)的應用與實作 by Cindy