This repository contains materials relating to the ICSE 2021 paper: Relating Reading, Visualization, and Coding for New Programmers: A Neuroimaging Study
Understanding how novices reason about coding at a neurological level has implications for training the next generation of software engineers. In recent years, medical imaging has been increasingly employed to investigate patterns of neural activity associated with coding activity. However, such studies have focused on advanced undergraduates and professionals. In a human study of 31 participants, we use functional near-infrared spectroscopy to measure the neural activity associated with introductory programming. In a controlled, contrast-based experiment, we relate brain activity when coding to that of reading natural language or mentally rotating objects (a spatial visualization task). Our primary result is that all three tasks---coding, prose reading, and mental rotation---are mentally distinct for novices. However, while those tasks are neurally distinct, we find more significant differences between prose and coding than between mental rotation and coding. Intriguingly, we generally find more activation in areas of the brain associated with spatial ability and task difficulty for novice coding compared to that reported in studies with more expert developers. Finally, in an exploratory analysis, we also find a neural activation pattern predictive of performance weeks later. While preliminary, these findings both expand on previous results (e.g., relating expertise to a similarity between coding and prose reading) and also provide a new understanding of the cognitive processes underlying novice programming.
- Madeline Endres, University of Michigan,
- Zachary Karas, University of Michigan
- Xiaosu Hu, University of Michigan
- Ioulia Kovelman, University of Michigan
- Westley Weimer, University of Michigan
The paper is availble both here on GitHub: FIXME and on arXiv
- Contains all 90 fNIRS stimuli used during our experiment
- Channel Setup: Contains the fNIRS cap channel setup map
- Written Pre and Post Test Data: contains participant scores on the final programming test as well as their pre-test scores used for validation of no prior experience.
- fNIRS Protocol and Consent Form
- Data Quality: Results of data quality checks on all participant fNIRS Blocks
We performed our fNIRS analysis with scripts that build on on the publically available NIRS Toolbox from the Brain Imaging Lab at the University of Pittsburgh.(see info here and GitHub repo here). In this repository, we have included our additional scripts beyond those included in the NIRS Toolbox
The results of all group-level channel t-tests can be found here:
Finally, our raw fNIRS data contains a large amount of sensitive brain activation patterns that we are unable to post publicly on GitHub. If you are interested in access to our raw fNIRS data and/or our full analysis pipeline, please contact either Madeline Endres at or Westley Weimer at