Pronunciation: pwoy-sec
Derivation: poised/poison+security
Meaning: the technique of data poisoning
as a combative technique involving
target information in the context
of a secure environment with a
level of awareness used to defend
against agent intruders.
Project is not fully operational yet. Expect there to be sub-optimal components in processing, and there are incomplete decision-making pipelines.
There are plans to write a paper detailing the application and operation of this project. The paper will come by 7/1/2024.
TLDR; the project simulates security breaches on a network that is supposed to guard against 3rd-party intrusion into sensitive data.
The finalized paper for this project will not be complete by 7/1/2024 due to continuing work on technical issues.
An incomplete draft of the paper is found in
. Also added MIT license.
There are no plans to implement elaborate data poisoning features to Puissec. Data poisoning would be relatively easy for those educated in data science and programming to implement.
The paper has two sections remaining to be written.
The first draft of the paper has been finalized. Project cleaning/review is planned. A lot of junk/comment code has been deleted.
Some additional work and thoughts are planned to be added to the paper.
These paper updates will roughly coincide with current developments
revolving around
Open development of project has been placed in the zone of uncertainty. Most of the bugs have been fixed. There is certainly room for improvement. Some concepts from the paper have not yet been implemented. The developer of this project has become preoccupied with other questions.