My name is Danyil and I love programming.
🔭 I’m currently working on App for learning new languages and a few other small projects to make life easier for others and myself(Converter of minecraft schematics to excel and Controlled SlideShow ).
🌱 I’m currently learning MAUI, XAML, system analysis and data analysis.
👯 I'm looking for opportunities to collaborate on the projects above or any project that is interesting or challenging enough. If you're not sure, don't hesitate to contact me.
🤔 I’m looking for help with Controlled SlideShow. I still haven't found a way to display video without pre-processing.
💬 Ask me about any of my projects. I'm always happy to answer questions, give advice, or just discuss ideas and opportunities.
📚 I am familiar with
- Java (JPA,JSP,SpringData, SpringBoot, SpringWeb, SpringCore, SpringAuth)
- C# (ASP.NET Core MVC, Razor pages, SPA, .NET Core, EntityFramework, MAUI, XAML, WPF)
- SQL (MySQL, PostGreSQL, OracleSQL)
- Python
- Js
- C
- C++
- CSS + preprocessors
- CS
- TS
- Pascal
🤗 My favourite projects