We are a striving group of IMI students, gathered together for the IMI Showtime project to create a wonderful experience for everyone joining our fair stand. Many of us are very creative minds, artistically versatile yet specialists in their respective fields and (semi-)experienced, good game designers. Hence we decided to do the game related project.
We created the Game I Can't C# as part of the bachelor's project topic "Konzentrationsförderung durch Minigames" (Fostering concentration through minigames). But we flipped and shifted the goal of the topic a little, as it was very losely defined. Instead we "challange" the concentration of the player, trying to find out how long an individual can last under given circumstances until they are exhausted. The progress is then visible in rising scores and longer play times, so that indirectly an improvement indeed is achieved - much like a muscle that grows after a straining gym session. This is in a way contrasting other such apps on the market, giving our game a lot of uniqueness.