We implement AutoMCL based on TVM(version 0.6.0) tools in python.
TVM: TVM is an open deep learning compiler stack for CPUs, GPUs, and specialized accelerators. It aims to close the gap between the productivity-focused deep learning frameworks, and the performance or efficiency-oriented hardware backends.
AutoMCL: We introduce several optimization strategies, combining analytic ideal cache models with machine learning models trained with real hardware measures, and integrate them into a unified auto-tuning framework, called AutoMCL, to improve the performance of DL compilers on both the operation level and the end-to-end model inference.
gcc >= 4.8
CMake >= 3.5
python >= 3.5
llvm >= 4.0.0
xgboost == 0.90
sklearn <= 0.23 (recommend:0.20.3)
step1. TVM Installation(https://tvm.apache.org/docs/install/index.html)
You can also choose to clone the source repo from github. It is important to clone the submodules along, with --recursive option.
# Path:~/
git clone --recursive https://github.com/dmlc/tvm (select version==0.6.0, a maintenance release)
git clone --recursive https://github.com/CharlieCurry/incubator-tvm.git
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python-dev python-setuptools libtinfo-dev zlib1g-dev build-essential
cd tvm
mkdir build
cp cmake/config.cmake build
step4. Create build file, copy and modify the config configuration file("config.cmake"). For example, Change set(USE_CUDA OFF) to set(USE_CUDA ON) to enable CUDA backend.
set(USE_CUDA OFF) --->set(USE_CUDA ON)
set(USE_LLVM OFF) --->set(USE_LLVM ON)
step5. AutoMCL requires LLVM for for CPU codegen. We highly recommend you to build with the LLVM support on. We can then build tvm and related libraries.
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
make -j4
vim ~/.bashrc
export TVM_PATH=/~/tvm
export PYTHONPATH=$TVM_PATH/python:$TVM_PATH/topi/python:$TVM_PATH/nnvm/python:${PYTHONPATH}
source ~/.bashrc
Method1 manual replacement
AutoMCL_EasyReplace/AutoConfig --> tvm/python/tvm/autotvm/tuner
AutoMCL_EasyReplace/InitConfigTask --> tvm/python/tvm/autotvm/task
AutoMCL_EasyReplace/AS_OS --> tvm/topi/python/topi/x86
Method2 setup script
echo Setup Start.
mv $TVM_PATH/python/tvm/autotvm/tuner $TVM_PATH/python/tvm/autotvm/tuner_tvm
cp -r AutoConfig $TVM_PATH/python/tvm/autotvm/tuner
mv $TVM_PATH/python/tvm/autotvm/task $TVM_PATH/python/tvm/autotvm/task_tvm
cp -r InitConfigTask $TVM_PATH/python/tvm/autotvm/task
mv $TVM_PATH/topi/python/topi/x86 $TVM_PATH/topi/python/topi/x86_tvm
cp -r AS_OS $TVM_PATH/topi/python/topi/x86
echo Setup Done.
The maximum number of trials for the whole tuning and the early stopping are set respectively as 10*,* 000 and 400 for most of the experiments. The only exception is the end-to-end evaluation of CNNs, where we set the two numbers respectively as 500 and 300.
The DL compiler TVM provides two default computes for the matrix multiplication operator, namely DNMM
and RPMM
and one default compute CONV
for general 2D-convolution. We introduce another four alternative computes TMM, TTMM, DPMM, LPMM for matrix multiplication and two alternative computes Im2colDNMM332
and Im2colRPMMV
for convolution by converting convolution to matrix multiplication in an im2col
manner. We manually write schedule template for each new compute and improve the default schedule templates for DNMM
respectively as DNMM332
(single-level tiling to double-level tiling), RPMMV
(adding missing vectorization for some loop) and CONVOpt
(loop reordering).
All dense and conv2d operators and schedules can be found in:
, the relevant python files are easy to use. For example, using python dnmm332.py 64 2048 1000
are respectively represent the matrix multiplication DNMM332
operator's three dimensionM=64,K=2048,N=1000
. Matmul takes two matrices A_{M×K}
and B_{K×N}
as input and computes their product matrix C_{M×N}
Evaluation of AutoMCL on the operation and the end-to-end level. Now we evaluate the performance of AutoMCL, which integrates all the optimization strategies introduced in Paper Section 3, on optimizing matmul and conv2d for both fully connected neural networks (FCNNs
) and typical convolutional neural networks (CNNs
) ResNet-50 , Inception-v3, and VGG16.
(Instructions and more details will be shown in relevant package README file)
All the end-to-end CNNs experiments can be found in:
All the end-to-end FCNNs experiments can be found in:
New configuration space exploiting strategies. AutoMCL's performance model (REG
) replace AutoTVM’s exploration module (SA+RANK
# AutoMCL XGBTuner: if you want to test REG module in AutoMCL, you should switch loss_type="regg", optimizer="reg";
REGXGBtuner = autotvm.tuner.XGBTuner(tsk, loss_type="regg", optimizer="reg")
The relavant experiments can be found in:
# AutoTVM XGBTuner
SAXGBtuner = autotvm.tuner.XGBTuner(tsk, loss_type="rank", optimizer="sa")
tuneMCL. We introduce several optimization strategies, combining analytic ideal cache models with machine learning models trained with real hardware measures, and integrate them into a unified auto-tuning framework, called AutoMCL, to improve the performance of DL compilers on both the operation level and the end-to-end model inference.
# AutoMCL Tuner
initConfig=True, useFilter=True, useRecommend=False,
sch="conv2d", dtype="float32", L2=256*1024, cacheline=64,
We introduce several optimization strategies, combining analytic ideal cache models with machine learning models trained with real hardware measures, and integrate them into a unified auto-tuning framework, called AutoMCL, to improve the performance of DL compilers on both the operation level and the end-to-end model inference.
:param Vl: int
Vl be the length of vectorization(B)
:param cacheline: int
the cache line size(B)
:param L2: int
cache size(B)
:param n_trial: int
Maximum number of configs to try (measure on real hardware)
:param measure_option: dict
The options for how to measure generated code.
You should use the return value ot autotvm.measure_option for this argument.
:param early_stopping: int, optional
Early stop the tuning when not finding better configs in this number of trials
:param callbacks: List of callable
A list of callback functions. The signature of callback function is
(Tuner, List of MeasureInput, List of MeasureResult)
with no return value. These callback functions will be called on
every measurement pair. See autotvm/tuner/callback.py for some examples.
:param initConfig: boolean
Select whether to use the initConfig knob
:param useFilter: boolean
Select whether to use the filter knob
:param useRecommend: boolean
Select whether to use the recommend knob
:param sch: string
support 'tmm', 'ttmm', 'dnmm', 'dnmm332', 'dpmm', 'lpmm', 'rpmm', 'rpmmv', 'conv2d','convim2colrpmm','convim2coldnmm' and 'autoschedule'
:param dtype: string
float32 or float64
1.if you want to tuning FCNNs by AutoMCL, you should set options like "initConfig=True, useFilter=True, useRecommend=False, sch="dense", dtype="float32", L2=256 * 1024, cacheline=64, Vl=128 / 8" or "initConfig=True, useFilter=True, useRecommend=False, sch="autoschedule", dtype="float32", L2=256 * 1024, cacheline=64, Vl=128 / 8";
2.if you want to tuning CNNs by AutoMCL, you should set options like "initConfig=True, useFilter=True, useRecommend=False, sch="autoschedule", dtype="float32", L2=256 * 1024, cacheline=64, Vl=128 / 8" or "initConfig=True, useFilter=True, useRecommend=False, sch="conv2d", dtype="float32", L2=256 * 1024, cacheline=64, Vl=128 / 8";
3.if you want to test init-filter module in AutoMCL, you should switch options "initConfig=True, useFilter=True" ;
#More details will be shown in next chapter——New Developer Features VS TVM
For example, Set like NOTES-2
, More details will be shown AutoMCL_Repository/UserTest/e2e/tune_model_e2e.py
Instructions: python tune_model_e2e.py 1 # 1 means batch size for CNNs
Tuning Log Info:
Extract tasks...
n_trial= 500
early_stopping= 300
Current/Best: 0.00/ 0.00 GFLOPS | Progress: (0/500) | 0.00 sschedule template is: conv2d
(('TENSOR', (1, 512, 14, 14), 'float32'), ('TENSOR', (512, 512, 3, 3), 'float32'), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), 'NCHW', 'float32')
space len: 800
parse space start
parse space end,parse cost time is: 0.010681629180908203
configs space before filter: 800
x 1
fx 14
y 1
fy 512
k 1
fk 512
index 800
dtype: int64
***********************filterConfigSpace start...***********************
conv2d filer ...
if gemm: Tm,Tn,Tk = fx,fy,fk;if conv2d: ow_bn,oc_bn,ic_bn = fx,fy,fk
fx: [1, 2, 7, 14]
fy: [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512]
fk: [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]
***********************filterConfigSpace end.***************************
Step2.filter by cache and vec limitation configs space is: 520
Current/Best: 29.00/ 61.30 GFLOPS | Progress: (12/500) | 23.12 s | case next_batch_filter
Current/Best: 8.97/ 61.30 GFLOPS | Progress: (24/500) | 54.16 s | case next_batch_filter
Current/Best: 38.22/ 65.71 GFLOPS | Progress: (36/500) | 77.53 s | case next_batch_filter
DNMM:TVM (tvm/topi/python/topi/x86/dense.py _declaration_dense_nopack)
RPMM:TVM (tvm/topi/python/topi/x86/dense.py _declaration_dense_pack)
DNMM332: Modified based on DNMM
RPMMV: operator same with RPMM, but schedule is different
LPMM: added
DPMM: added
TMM: added
TTMM: added
CONV:TVM (tvm/topi/python/topi/x86/conv2d.py _declaration_conv_impl)
CONVOpt: operator same with CONV, but schedule is different
CONVIm2colRPMMV: added
CONVIm2colDNMM332: added
DNMM:TVM (tvm/topi/python/topi/x86/dense.py _schedule_dense_nopack_template)
RPMM:TVM (tvm/topi/python/topi/x86/dense.py _schedule_dense_pack_template)
DNMM332: Modified based on DNMM
RPMMV: Modified based on RPMM
LPMM: added
DPMM: added
TMM: added
TTMM: added
CONV1x1: TVM (tvm/topi/python/topi/x86/conv2d_avx_1x1.py _schedule_conv)
CONV:TVM (tvm/topi/python/topi/x86/conv2d_avx_common.py _schedule_conv)
CONVOpt: Modified based on CONV
CONVIm2colRPMMV: added
CONVIm2colDNMM332: added
def get_oracle(M,pThread)
def get_gap8s(n)
def initConfigSpace(self,schedule,n_parallel,isInitConfig,task_args)
def initConfigSpace_Mini(M, N, K, pThread)
def initConfigSpace_PRO(M, N, K, pThread)
def filterConfigSpace(self, schedule, dtype, L2, cacheline, Vl, useFilter, dataframe, task_args)
def tuneMCL(self, n_trial, measure_option, early_stopping=None, callbacks=(), initConfig=False, useFilter=False, useRecommend=False,
sch="dnmm", dtype="float32", L2 = 256 * 1024, cacheline=64, Vl=128 / 8)
loss_type == 'regg':
self.xgb_params = {
'max_depth': 8,
'gamma': 0.0001,
'min_child_weight': 1,
'subsample': 1.0,
'eta': 0.3,
'lambda': 1.00,
'alpha': 0,
'objective': 'reg:gamma',
def fit(self, xs, ys, plan_size)
class RegOptimizer(ModelOptimizer):
def find_maximums(self, model, num, exclusive)
def top_num(self, points, scores, num, exclusive)
def top_num_expand(self, points, scores, num, exclusive)
TVM Docs: https://tvm.apache.org/docs/
Contact Us:
Chi: 2209832406@qq.com Chen: changbo.chen@hotmail.com