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DevOps Assignment

  1. CloudformationscripttocreatebelowAWScomponents
  • VPC with two public and private subnets
  • Route tables for each subnet
  • Security Group to allow port 80 and 443
  • ELB and ALB
  • Private route53 hosted zone and CNAME entry for both ALB and ELB
  • S3 bucket
  • IAM Policy for assignment-3

Delivery Outcome:

  • Once Cloud formation script is executed, It will create a VPC with valid CIDR block, which contains all VPC related Resources such as valid subnets, route tables (public, private), security groups, NAT gateway, Internet Gateway etc.
  • Also it will create AWS resources like Application load balancer and Elastic load balancer, and rout53 internal hosted zone
  • DNS name will be created/ updated in Route 53 respectively ALB and ELB.
  • IAM Role will be created, with right policy, which have proper S3 bucket access for EC2 servers and other resources related to question 3.
  • Get all the Output details for every resources, in cloud formation Output Parameter.
  1. Ansible playbook to do following task
  • Pick a Linux AMI
  • Install webserver (Apache/Nginx)
  • Download code from git
  • Configure webserver with security best practices (List them)
  • Create a self-signed certificate
  • Secure a demo Wordpress site using self-signed certificate

Delivery Outcome:

  • Choose any amazon machine image, install LAMP stack (Linux, Apache/ Nginx, mysql and PHP) from Ansible script
  • Get the proper output from Ansibe modules to download the code from git (BitBucket/ GitHub), and update the server level securities.
  • Use Ansible Modules for self-signed certificate, which will clearly reflect in Output.
  • Wordpress site should be SSL enable and entry must be available in mysql database.
  1. ExecuteAnsibleplaybook
  • Run Ansible playbook in a packer job and create AMI.
  • Automatically create ASG using AMI created in output of assignment 2 and attach it to ELB.
  • Showcase capability of ALB, by created two different domain route policy.
  • Instance launched behind ELB/ALB should have role attached having access to s3 specific bucket, pull images from S3.

Delivery Outcome:

  • Write a packer script to create AMI with above assignment.
  • Execute another Ansible script in the same packer job, which can create launch configuration (LC) and ASG attached the above AMI, this Launch configuration must be a part of Newly created Auto scaling group (AGS).
  • Above created ALB is part of this Auto scaling Group, which can be redirect word press admin url to admin target group, and WordPress site url to public target group.
  • IAM role created in Assignment 1, must be part of this auto scaling group, which have S3 bucket access and able to render the website images from S3 bucket.
  1. Createascriptusinganypreferredprogramminglanguage(python,Node.js, java etc.) to perform following activities
  • List AWS services being used region wise
  • List each service in detail, like EC2, RDS etc.
  • Create AWS Code deploy, Application Group and Deployment Group

Delivery Outcome:

  • Once script is executed user can save the output in text file, which have list of AWS resources and details of that resources region wise.
  • Outcome of second script will create code deploy application group and deployment group.