This is a toolkit that provide a lot of function or object that make programing easier like Python.
- func LevelDB(datadir string) (l *LevelDB)
- func (m *LevelDB) Close()
- func (m *LevelDB) Destroy()
- func (m *LevelDB) Exists(key string) bool
- func (m *LevelDB) Get(key string) string
- func (m *LevelDB) Set(key string, value string)
- func (m *LevelDB) Delete(key string)
- func Elasticsearch(baseurl string) *Elasticsearch
- func (m *Elasticsearch) Collection(name string) *ElasticsearchCollection
- func (m *ElasticsearchCollection) Index(id interface{}, data map[string]interface{})
- func (m *ElasticsearchCollection) Search(key string, value string, page int, pagesize int, cfg ...ElasticsearchSearchingConfig) *ElasticsearchSearchedResult
- func (m *ElasticsearchCollection) Delete(id interface{})
- func (m *ElasticsearchCollection) Refresh()
- func(m *Elasticsearch) Delete(collection string)
- func (m *Elasticsearch) Collection(name string) *ElasticsearchCollection
- func Lock() *lock
- func (*lock) Acquire()
- func (*lock) Release()
- func RWLock() *RWLock func (m *RWLock) RAcquire() func (m *RWLock) RRelease() func (m *RWLock) WAcquire() func (m *RWLock) WRelease()
- func AliDNS(string, string) *alidns
- func (m *alidns) Total() (TotalCount int64)
- func (m *alidns) List(PageSize int64, PageNumber int64) (res []alidnsDomainInfo)
- func (m *alidns) Domain(domainName string) *alidnsDomain
- func (m *alidnsDomain) List() (res []alidnsRecord)
- func (m *alidnsDomain) Add(recordName string, recordType string, recordValue string) (id string)
- func (m *alidnsDomain) Delete(name string, dtype string, value string)
- func (m *alidnsDomain) Modify(recordName string, srcRecordType string, srcRecordValue string, dstRecordName string, dstRecordType string, dstRecordValue string)
- Chart
- func LineChartWithTimestampAndNumber([]int64, []float64, string, string, string, string) 以时间为x轴,数据为y轴,做折线图
- func LineChartWithNumberAndNumber([]float64, []float64, string, string, string, string) 以数据为x和y轴,做折线图
- func BarChartWithNameAndNumber([]string, []float64, string, string, string) 以名字为x轴,数据为y轴,作柱状图, 注意:数据的数量会决定图片的宽度
- func PieChartWithNameAndNumber([]string, []float64, string, string) 以x为名字,y的百分比为数据,做饼图
- func CloudflareDNS(string, string) *cloudflare
- func (m *cloudflare) Add(domain string) cloudflare.Zone
- func (m *cloudflare) List() (res []cloudflareDomainInfo)
- func (m *cloudflare) Domain(domainName string) *cloudflareDomain
- func (m *cloudflareDomain) List() (res []cloudflareRecord)
- func (m *cloudflareDomain) Delete(name string)
- func (m *cloudflareDomain) Add(recordName string, recordType string, recordValue string, proxied ...bool) *cloudflare.DNSRecordResponse
- func (m *cloudflareDomain) SetProxied(subdomain string, proxied bool)
- func (m *cloudflareDomain) Update(recordName string, recordType string, recordValue string, proxied ...bool)
- Compress
- func LzmaCompressString(string) string
- func LzmaDecompressString(string) string
- func ZlibCompressString(string) string
- func ZlibDecompressString(string) string
- func Crontab() *crontab 定时任务
- func (m *crontab) Add(schedule string, fn interface{}, args ...interface{})
- func (m *crontab) Destory()
- func GodaddyDNS(string, string) *godaddy
- func (m *godaddy) List() (res []godaddyDomainInfo)
- func (m *godaddy) Domain(domainName string) *godaddyDomain
- func (m *godaddyDomain) List() (res []godaddyRecord)
- func (m *godaddyDomain) Delete(name string, dtype string, value string)
- func (m *godaddyDomain) Modify(recordName string, srcRecordType string, srcRecordValue string, dstRecordType string, dstRecordValue string)
- func (m *godaddyDomain) Add(recordName string, recordType string, recordValue string)
- func Ini(...string) *ini
- func (m *ini) Get(SectionKeyDefaultComment ...string) (res string)
- func (m *ini) GetInt(key ...string) int
- func (m *ini) GetInt64(key ...string) int64
- func (m *ini) GetFloat64(key ...string) float64
- func (m *ini) Set(SectionKeyValueComment ...string)
- func (m *ini) Save(fpath ...string) (exist bool)
- func JavascriptVM() *javascriptVM
- func (m *javascriptVM) Run(javascript string) *javascriptVM
- func (m *javascriptVM) Get(variableName string) string
- func (m *javascriptVM) Set(variableName string, variableValue interface{})
- func (m *javascriptVM) Isdefined(variableName string) bool
- func Matrix(string) *matrix
- func (c *matrix) Login(username string, password string) string
- func (c *matrix) SetToken(userID string, token string) *matrix
- func (c *matrix) SetRoomID(roomID string) *matrix
- func (c *matrix) Send(text string)
- func Nats(string) *nats
- func (m *nats) Subject(subject string) *subjectNats
- func (m *subjectNats) Publish(message string)
- func (m *subjectNats) Subscribe() chan string
- func (m *subjectNats) Flush()
- func (m *nats) Subject(subject string) *subjectNats
- func Totp(string) *totp
- func (m *totp) Validate(pass string) bool
- func (m *totp) Password() string
- func Pexpect(string) *pexpect
- func (m *pexpect) Sendline(msg string)
- func (m *pexpect) Close()
- func (m *pexpect) IsAlive() bool
- func (m *pexpect) LogToStdout(enable ...bool)
- func (m *pexpect) ExitCode() int
- func (m *pexpect) GetLog() string
- func (m *pexpect) ClearLog()
- func ProgressBar(string, int64, ...bool) *progressBar
- func (m *progressBar) Add(num int64)
- func (m *progressBar) Set(num int64)
- func (m *progressBar) SetTotal(total int64)
- func (m *progressBar) Clear()
- func PrometheusClient(string) *prometheusClient
- func (m *prometheusClient) Query(query string, time ...float64) (res []prometheusResult)
- func PrometheusMetricServer(listenAddr string, path ...string) *prometheusMetricServer
- func (m *prometheusMetricServer) NewCounter(name string, help string) prometheus.Counter
- func (m *prometheusMetricServer) NewGauge(name string, help string) prometheus.Gauge
- func MySQL(string, int, string, string, string, ...DatabaseConfig) *database
- func SQLite(string) *database
- func (m *database) Query(sql string, args ...interface{}) []gorose.Data
- func (m *database) Close()
- func (m *database) Execute(sql string) int64
- func (m *database) RenameTable(oldTableName string, newTableNname string)
- func (m *database) Tables() (res []string)
- func (m *database) CreateTable(tableName string, engineName ...string) *databaseOrm
- func (m *database) Table(tbname string) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) Fields(items ...string) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) Where(key string, operator string, value interface{}) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) WhereIn(key string, value []interface{}) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) WhereNotIn(key string, value []interface{}) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) WhereNull(columnName string) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) WhereNotNull(columnName string) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) OrWhere(key string, operator string, value interface{}) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) OrWhereIn(key string, value []interface{}) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) Orderby(item ...string) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) Limit(number int) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) Get() (res []gorose.Data)
- func (m *databaseOrm) Paginate(pagesize int, page int) []gorose.Data
- func (m *databaseOrm) First() (res gorose.Data)
- func (m *databaseOrm) Find(id int) gorose.Data
- func (m *databaseOrm) Count() (res int64)
- func (m *databaseOrm) Exists() (res bool)
- func (m *databaseOrm) Chunk(limit int, callback func([]gorose.Data) error)
- func (m *databaseOrm) BuildSQL() (string, []interface{})
- func (m *databaseOrm) Data(data interface{}) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) Offset(offset int) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) InsertGetID() (num int64)
- func (m *databaseOrm) Insert() (num int64)
- func (m *databaseOrm) Update(data ...interface{}) (num int64)
- func (m *databaseOrm) Delete() (num int64)
- func (m *databaseOrm) DropTable() int64
- func (m *databaseOrm) TruncateTable() (status int64)
- func (m *databaseOrm) AddColumn(columnName string, columnType string, defaultValue ...string) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) DropColumn(columnName string) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) AddIndex(columnName ...string) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) IndexExists(columnName ...string) (exists bool)
- func (m *databaseOrm) DropIndex(columnName ...string) *databaseOrm
- func (m *databaseOrm) Columns() (res map[string]string)
- func RabbitMQ(string, string) *rabbitConnection
- func (m *rabbitConnection) Send(data map[string]string)
- func (m *rabbitConnection) Recv() chan map[string]string
- func RateLimit(int) *rateLimit
- func (m *rateLimit) Take()
- func Redis(string, int, string, int, ...redisConfig) *Redis
- func (m *Redis) Ping() string
- func (m *Redis) Del(key string)
- func (m *Redis) Set(key string, value string, ttl ...interface{})
- func (m *Redis) Get(key string) *string
- func (m *Redis) GetLock(key string, timeoutsec int) *RedisLock
- func (m *RedisLock) Acquire()
- func (m *RedisLock) Release()
- func SeleniumLocal() *selenium
- func SeleniumRemote (serverURL string) *selenium
- func (c *selenium) PageSource() string
- func (c *selenium) Close()
- func (c *selenium) Cookie() (co string)
- func (c *selenium) Url() string
- func (c *selenium) ScrollRight(pixel int)
- func (c *selenium) ScrollLeft(pixel int)
- func (c *selenium) ScrollUp(pixel int)
- func (c *selenium) ScrollDown(pixel int)
- func (c *selenium) ResizeWindow(width int, height int) *selenium
- func (c *selenium) Find(xpath string, nowait ...bool) *seleniumElement
- func (c *seleniumElement) Clear() *seleniumElement
- func (c *seleniumElement) Click() *seleniumElement
- func (c *seleniumElement) Text() string
- func (c *seleniumElement) Input(s string) *seleniumElement
- func (c *seleniumElement) Submit() *seleniumElement
- func (c *seleniumElement) PressEnter() *seleniumElement
- func SSH(string, string, string, int) *ssh
- func (m *ssh) Close()
- func (m *ssh) Exec(cmd string) (output string, status int)
- func (m *ssh) PushFile(local string, remote string)
- func (m *ssh) PullFile(remote string, local string)
- func StatikOpen(string) *statikFile
- func (m *statikFile) Readlines() chan string
- func (m *statikFile) Readline() string
- func (m *statikFile) Close()
- func (m *statikFile) Read(num string
- func (m *statikFile) Seek(num int64)
- func Table(...string) *table
- func (m *table) SetMaxCellWidth(width
- func (m *table) AddRow(row ...interface{})
- func (m *table) Render() string
- func Telegram(AppID int32, AppHash string, config ...TelegramConfig) *Telegram
- func (m *Telegram) Chats() []*TelegramChat
- func (m *TelegramChat) History(limit int32, offset ...int32) (resmsgs []*tgMessage)
- func (m *TelegramChat) Send(text string)
- func (m *Telegram) ResolvePeerByUsername(username string) *TelegramPeerResolved
- func (m *TelegramPeerResolved) History(limit int32, offset ...int32) (resmsgs []*TelegramMessage)
- func (m *Telegram) Chats() []*TelegramChat
- func TelegramBot(string) *telegramBot
- func (m *telegramBot) SetChatID(chatid int64) *telegramBot
- func (m *telegramBot) SendFile(path string) tgbotapi.Message
- func (m *telegramBot) SendImage(path string) tgbotapi.Message
- func (m *telegramBot) SendVideo(path string) tgbotapi.Message
- func (m *telegramBot) SendAudio(path string) tgbotapi.Message
- func (m *telegramBot) Send(text string, cfg ...tgMsgConfig) tgbotapi.Message
- func Telegraph(string) *telegraph
- func (m *telegraph) Post(title string, content string) *telegraphPageInfo
- func URL(string) *url
- func (u *url) Parse() *urlComponents
- func (u *url) Encode() string
- func (u *url) Decode() string
- func TTLCache(intervalInSecond interface {}) *ttlCache
- func (m *ttlCache) Set(key string, value string)
- func (m *ttlCache) Get(key string) string
- func (m *ttlCache) Exists(key string) bool
- func (m *ttlCache) Count() int
- func VNC(string, ...VNCCfg) *vnc
- func (m *vnc) Close()
- func (m *vnc) Move(x, y int) *vnc
- func (m *vnc) Click() *vnc
- func (m *vnc) RightClick() *vnc
- func (m *vnc) Input(s string) *vnc
- func (m *vnc) Key() *vncKey
- func (m *vncKey) Enter() *vncKey
- func (m *vncKey) CtrlA() *vncKey
- func (m *vncKey) CtrlC() *vncKey
- func (m *vncKey) CtrlV() *vncKey
- func (m *vncKey) CtrlZ() *vncKey
- func (m *vncKey) CtrlX() *vncKey
- func (m *vncKey) CtrlF() *vncKey
- func (m *vncKey) CtrlD() *vncKey
- func (m *vncKey) CtrlS() *vncKey
- func (m *vncKey) CtrlR() *vncKey
- func (m *vncKey) CtrlE() *vncKey
- func (m *vncKey) Delete() *vncKey
- func (m *vncKey) Tab() *vncKey
- func WebSocket(string) *websocket
- func (c *websocket) Send(text string)
- func (c *websocket) Recv(timeout string
- func (c *websocket) Close()
- func Xlsx(string) *xlsx
- func (c *xlsx) Save()
- func (c *xlsx) Close()
- func (c *xlsx) GetSheet(name string) *xlsxSheet
- func (c *xlsxSheet) Get(coordinate string) string
- func (c *xlsxSheet) Set(coordinate string, value string) *xlsxSheet
- func XPath(string) *xpath
- func (m *xpath) First(expr string) (res *xpath)
- func (m *xpath) Find(expr string) (res []*xpath)
- func (m *xpath) Text() string
- func (m *xpath) GetAttr(attr string) string
- func (m *xpath) Html() string
- Sysinfo
- Host
- func Info() types.HostInfo
- func Memory() *types.HostMemoryInfo
- func CPUTimes() types.CPUTimes
- func Process(pid int) *sysinfoProcess
- func (p *sysinfoProcess) Info() types.ProcessInfo {
- func (p *sysinfoProcess) Memory() types.MemoryInfo {
- func (p *sysinfoProcess) User() types.UserInfo {
- func (p *sysinfoProcess) Parent() *sysinfoProcess {
- func (p *sysinfoProcess) CPUTimes() types.CPUTimes {
- Host
- Queue(datadir string) (q *queue)
- func (m *queue) Close()
- func (m *queue) Destroy()
- func (m *queue) New(queueName ...string) *namedQueue
- func (m *namedQueue) Size() int64
- func (m *namedQueue) Get(nonblock ...bool) string
- func (m *namedQueue) Put(value string)
- Jieba() *Jieba 中文分词
- func (m *Jieba) Close()
- func (m *Jieba) Cut(s string) []string
- func (m *Jieba) AddWord(text string)
- func LevelDB(datadir string) (l *LevelDB)
- func Int(min, max int64) int64
- func Choice(array interface{}) interface{}
- func String(length int, charset ...string) string
- func FindAll(pattern string, text string, multiline ...bool) [][]string
- func Replace(pattern string, newstring string, text string) string
- func Listen(string, int, string, string) *kcpServerSideListener
- func (m *kcpServerSideListener) Accept() chan *kcp.UDPSession
- func Connect(string, int, string, string) *kcp.UDPSession
- func Listen(string, int, string, string) *kcpServerSideListener
- Smux
- func ServerWrapper(io.ReadWriteCloser, ...SmuxConfig) *smuxServerSideListener
- func (m *smuxServerSideListener) Accept() chan *smuxServerSideConnection
- func (m *smuxServerSideConnection) Send(data map[string]string, timeout
- func (m *smuxServerSideConnection) Recv(timeout (data map[string]string)
- func (m *smuxServerSideConnection) Close()
- func (m *smuxServerSideListener) Accept() chan *smuxServerSideConnection
- func ClientWrapper(io.ReadWriteCloser, ...SmuxConfig) *smuxClientSideSession
- func (m *smuxClientSideSession) Connect() *smuxClientSideConnection
- func (m *smuxClientSideSession) Close()
- func (m *smuxClientSideConnection) Send(data map[string]string, timeout
- func (m *smuxClientSideConnection) Recv(timeout (data map[string]string)
- func (m *smuxClientSideConnection) Close()
- func ServerWrapper(io.ReadWriteCloser, ...SmuxConfig) *smuxServerSideListener
- func Listen(string, int, string, string) *tcpServerSideListener
- func (m *tcpServerSideListener) Accept() chan *TcpServerSideConn
- func (m *tcpServerSideListener) Close()
- func (m *TcpServerSideConn) Close()
- func (m *TcpServerSideConn) Send(str string)
- func (m *TcpServerSideConn) Recv(buffersize int) string
- func ServerWrapper(net.Conn, string, string) *tcpServerSideConn
- func (m *tcpClientSideConn) Send(str string, timeout
- func (m *tcpClientSideConn) Recv(buffersize int, timeout string
- func (m *tcpClientSideConn) Close()
- func Connect(string, int, ...sslCfg) *sslClientSideConn
- func ClientWrapper(net.Conn, ...sslCfg) *sslClientSideConn
- func (m *sslClientSideConn) Send(str string)
- func (m *sslClientSideConn) Recv(buffersize int) string
- func (m *sslClientSideConn) Close()
- func Listen(string, int, string, string) *tcpServerSideListener
- func Listen(string, int) *tcpServerSideListener
- func (m *tcpServerSideListener) Accept() chan *TcpServerSideConn
- func (m *tcpServerSideListener) Close()
- func (m *TcpServerSideConn) Close()
- func (m *TcpServerSideConn) Send(str string)
- func (m *TcpServerSideConn) Recv(buffersize int) string
- func Connect(string, int, *tcpClientSideConn
- func (m *tcpClientSideConn) Send(str string, timeout
- func (m *tcpClientSideConn) Recv(buffersize int, timeout string
- func (m *tcpClientSideConn) Close()
- func Listen(string, int) *tcpServerSideListener
- Unix
- func Listen(path string) *tcpServerSideListener
- func (m *tcpServerSideListener) Accept() chan *TcpServerSideConn
- func (m *tcpServerSideListener) Close()
- func (m *TcpServerSideConn) Close()
- func (m *TcpServerSideConn) Send(str string)
- func (m *TcpServerSideConn) Recv(buffersize int) string
- func Connect(path string) *tcpClientSideConn
- func (m *tcpClientSideConn) Send(str string, timeout
- func (m *tcpClientSideConn) Recv(buffersize int, timeout string
- func (m *tcpClientSideConn) Close()
- func Listen(path string) *tcpServerSideListener
- func Listen(string, int) udpServerSideConn
- func (m *udpClientSideConn) Send(str string)
- func (m *udpClientSideConn) Close()
- func (m *udpClientSideConn) Recv(buffersize int) string
- func Connect(string, int) udpClientSideConn
- func (m *udpServerSideConn) Recvfrom(buffersize int, timeout (string, *net.UDPAddr)
- func (m *udpServerSideConn) Sendto(data string, address *net.UDPAddr, timeout
- func (m *udpServerSideConn) Close()
- func Listen(string, int) udpServerSideConn
- func (s *string) Get() string
- func (s *string) Sub(start, end int) *string
- func (s *string) Has(substr string) bool
- func (s *string) Len() int
- func (s *string) Reverse() string
- func (s *string) Chunk(length int) (res []string)
- func (s *string) Utf8Len() int
- func (s *string) Repeat(count int) *string
- func (s *string) Shuffle() *string
- func (s *string) Index(substr string) int
- func (s *string) Replace(old, new string) *string
- func (s *string) Upper() *string
- func (s *string) Lower() *string
- func (s *string) Join(pieces []string) *string
- func (s *string) Strip(characterMask ...string) *string
- func (s *string) Split(sep ...string) []string
- func (s *string) Count(substr string) int
- func (s *string) EndsWith(substr string) (res bool)
- func (s *string) StartsWith(substr string) (res bool)
- func (s *string) Splitlines(strip ...bool) []string
- func (s *string) In(str string) bool
- func (s *string) LStrip(characterMask ...string) *string
- func (s *string) RStrip(characterMask ...string) *string
- func (ss*string) Isdigit() bool
- func (s *string) HasChinese() bool
- func (s *string) Filter(charts ...string) *string
- func (s *string) RemoveHtmlTag() *string
- func (s *string) RemoveNonUTF8Character() *string
- func (s *string) DetectLanguage() string
- func (s *string) IsAscii() bool
- func (s *string) RegexFindAll(pattern string, multiline ...bool) (res [][]*string)
- func (s *string) RegexReplace(pattern string, newstring string) *string
- func Now() float64
- func TimeDuration(interface {}) time.Duration
- func FormatDuration(int64) string
- func Sleep(interface {})
- func Strptime(string, string) int64
- func Strftime(string, interface {}) string
Argparser(description string) *argparseIni
- func (m *argparseIni) Get(section, key, defaultValue, comment string) (res string)
- func (m *argparseIni) GetInt(section, key, defaultValue, comment string) int
- func (m *argparseIni) GetInt64(section, key, defaultValue, comment string) int64
- func (m *argparseIni) GetFloat64(section, key, defaultValue, comment string) float64
- func (m *argparseIni) GetBool(section, key, defaultValue, comment string) bool
- func (m *argparseIni) Save(fpath ...string) (exist bool)
- func (m *argparseIni) GetHelpString() (h string)
- func (m *argparseIni) ParseArgs() *argparseIni
- func Encode(str string) string
- func Decode(str string) string
- func Map2bin(m map[string]string) string
- func Bin2map(s string) (res map[string]string)
- func GetOutput(command string, timeoutSecond ...interface{}) string
- func GetStatusOutput(command string, timeoutSecond ...interface{}) (int, string)
- func GetOutputWithShell(command string, timeoutSecond ...interface{}) string
- func GetStatusOutputWithShell(command string, timeoutSecond ...interface{}) (int, string)
- func Tail(command string) chan string
- func Exists(cmd string) bool
- func Which(cmd string) (path string)
- func Xor(data, key string) string
- func Aes(key string) *aes
- func (a *aes) Encrypt(plaintext string) string
- func (a *aes) Decrypt(ciphertext string) string
- func ChaCha20Poly1305(key string) *chacha20poly1305
- func (m *chacha20poly1305) Encrypt(plantext string) (ciphertext string)
- func (m *chacha20poly1305) Decrypt(ciphertext string) (plaintext string)
File(filePath string) *file
- func (f *file) Time() *fileTime
- func (f *file) Stat() os.FileInfo
- func (f *file) Size() int64
- func (f *file) Touch()
- func (f *file) Chmod(mode int) bool
- func (f *file) Chown(uid, gid int) bool
- func (f *file) Mtime() int64
- func (f *file) Unlink()
- func (f *file) Copy(dest string)
- func (f *file) Move(newPosition string)
Open(args ...string) *fileIO
- func (m *fileIO) Readlines() chan string
- func (m *fileIO) Readline() string
- func (m *fileIO) Close()
- func (m *fileIO) Write(str interface{}) *fileIO
- func (m *fileIO) Read(num string
- func (m *fileIO) Seek(num int64)
- func Nslookup(name string, querytype string, dnsService ...string) [][]string
- func FakeName() string
- func FileType(fpath string) string
- func Inotify(path string) chan *fsnotifyFileEvent
- func IPLocation(ip string, dbpath ...string) *ipLocationInfo
- func HightLightHTMLForCode(code string, codeType ...string) (html string)
- func Markdown2html(md string) string
- func CPUUsagePerProgress() (res map[int64]progressCPUUsage)
- func ResizeImg(srcPath string, dstPath string, width int, height
- func GetRSS(url string, config ...rssConfig) *gofeed.Feed
- func GbkToUtf8(s string) string
- func Utf8ToGbk(s string) string
- func GetSnowflakeID(nodeNumber int64
- func GetRemoteServerSSLCert(host string, port []*x509.Certificate
- func Tailf(path string, startFromEndOfFile ...bool) chan *tail.Line
- func BaiduTranslateAnyToZH(text string) string
- func ParseUserAgent(UserAgent string) ua.UserAgent
- func Wget(url string, cfg ...WgetCfg) (filename string)
- func Whois(s string, servers ...string) string
- func IpInNet(ip string, Net string, mask ...string) bool
- func Int2ip(ipnr int64) string
- func Ip2int(ipnr string) int64
- func Zh2PinYin(zh string) (ress []string)
- func Fmtsize(num uint64) string
- func Sniffer(interfaceName string, filterString string, promisc ...bool) chan *networkPacket
- func ReadPcapFile(pcapFile string) chan *networkPacket
- func Md5sum(str string) string
- func Md5File(path string) string
- func Sha1sum(str string) string
- func Sha1File(path string) string
- func Encode(str string) string
- func Decode(str string) string
- func Head(uri string, args ...interface{}) httpResp
- func PostFile(uri string, filePath string, args ...interface{}) httpResp
- func PostRaw(uri string, body string, args ...interface{}) httpResp
- func PostJSON(uri string, json interface{}, args ...interface{}) httpResp
- func Post(uri string, args ...interface{}) httpResp
- func Get(uri string, args ...interface{}) httpResp
- func PutJSON(uri string, json interface{}, args ...interface{}) httpResp
- func Put(uri string, args ...interface{}) httpResp
- func PutRaw(uri string, body string, args ...interface{}) httpResp
- func Delete(uri string, args ...interface{}) httpResp
- func Dumps(v interface{}, pretty ...bool) string
- func Loads(str string) map[string]interface{}
- func Valid(j string) bool
- func Yaml2json(y string) string 转换yaml到json
- func Json2yaml(j string) string 转换json到yaml, 注意:字段的顺序会改变
- func Format(js string) string 格式化json字符串, 可以多次format,不报错,结果正常
- func XPath(string) *xpathJson
- func (m *xpathJson) Exists(expr string) bool
- func (m *xpathJson) First(expr string) (res *xpathJson)
- func (m *xpathJson) Find(expr string) (res []*xpathJson)
- func (m *xpathJson) Text() *string
- func Abs(number float64) float64
- func Sum(array interface{}) (sumresult float64)
- func Average(array interface{}) (avgresult float64)
- func DecimalToAny(num, n int64) string
- func AnyToDecimal(num string, n int64) int64
- func Mkdir(filename string)
- func Getcwd() string
- func Exit(status int)
- func Touch(filePath string)
- func Chmod(filePath string, mode int) bool
- func Chown(filePath string, uid, gid int) bool
- func Copy(filePath, dest string)
- func Rename(filePath, newPosition string)
- func Move(filePath, newPosition string)
- Path
- func Exists(path string) bool
- func IsFile(path string) bool
- func IsDir(path string) bool
- func Basename(path string) string
- func Basedir(path string) string
- func Dirname(path string) string
- func Join(args ...string) string
- func Abspath(path string) string
- func IsSymlink(path string) bool
- func System(command string, timeoutSecond ...interface{}) int
- func SystemWithShell(command string, timeoutSecond ...interface{}) int
- func Hostname() string
- func Envexists(varname string) bool
- func Getenv(varname string) string
- func Walk(path string) chan string
- func Listdir(path string) (res []string)
- func SelfDir() string
- func TempFilePath() string
- func TempDirPath() string
- func Getuid() int
- func ProgressAlive(pid int) bool
- func GoroutineID() int64
- func Unlink(filename string)
- Stdin
- func Readlines() chan *String
- func Readline() *String
- func Read(num *String
- Stdout
- Write(str interface{}) *fileIO Others
func Open(filePath string) *fileIO
func Try(f func(), trycfg ...TryConfig) exception
Lg *log
- func (m *log) SetLevel(level string)
- func (m *log) GetLevel() string
- func (m *log) SetLogFile(path string, maxLogFileCount int, logFileSizeInMB
- func (m *log) Error(args ...interface{})
- func (m *log) Warn(args ...interface{})
- func (m *log) Info(args ...interface{})
- func (m *log) Trace(args ...interface{})
- func (m *log) Debug(args ...interface{})
func Chr(ascii int) string
func Ord(char string) int
func Repr(obj interface{}) string
func Print(data ...interface{}) int
func Printf(format string, data ...interface{}) int
func Sprint(data ...interface{}) string
func Range(num []int
func Typeof(v interface{}) string
func main() {
j := `code: 0
mesg: Get Domains Successful
active: true
success: true`
func main() {
j := `{"code":0,"mesg":"Get Domains Successful","result":{"active":true,"domains":["","",""]},"success":true}`
func main() {
x := "2020-04-21,2020-05-09,2020-05-11,2020-05-14,2020-05-15,2020-05-17,2020-05-19,2020-05-20,2020-05-21,2020-05-22,2020-05-24,2020-05-25,2020-05-26,2020-05-27,2020-05-28,2020-05-29,2020-05-30,2020-05-31,2020-06-01,2020-06-02,2020-06-03,2020-06-04,2020-06-05,2020-06-06,2020-06-07,2020-06-08,2020-06-09,2020-06-10,2020-06-11,2020-06-12,2020-06-13,2020-06-14,2020-06-15,2020-06-16,2020-06-17,2020-06-18,2020-06-19,2020-06-20,2020-06-21,2020-06-22,2020-06-23,2020-06-25,2020-06-26,2020-06-27,2020-06-28,2020-06-29,2020-06-30,2020-07-01,2020-07-02,2020-07-03,2020-07-04,2020-07-05,2020-07-06,2020-07-07,2020-07-08,2020-07-09,2020-07-10,2020-07-11,2020-07-12,2020-07-13,2020-07-14,2020-07-15,2020-07-16,2020-07-17,2020-07-18,2020-07-19,2020-07-20,2020-07-21,2020-07-22,2020-07-23,2020-07-24,2020-07-25,2020-07-26,2020-07-27,2020-07-28,2020-07-29,2020-07-30,2020-07-31,2020-08-01,2020-08-02,2020-08-03,2020-08-04,2020-08-05,2020-08-06,2020-08-07,2020-08-08,2020-08-09,2020-08-10,2020-08-11,2020-08-12,2020-08-13"
var xx []int64
for _, i := range String(x).Split(",") {
xx = append(xx, Time.Strptime("%Y-%m-%d", i))
y := "100,100,500,100,100,100,200,700,200,700,300,400,900,1100,1400,900,3004,908,1460,4400,1500,2000,2950,2150,2750,7150,3850,4050,3900,4800,4200,7400,6700,6150,7400,7250,7550,9800,8900,5300,1700,1000,800,1500,1150,1300,2060,3820,4852,4320,4960,5160,2610,2640,3300,1770,2690,2020,2360,2050,1580,1410,1080,850,1540,1410,1460,1540,1620,1370,3328,3898,2218,2238,2398,2038,1700,750,1100,1700,1650,1340,950,2270,540,890,1390,1900,1580,2450,1680"
var yy []float64
for _, i := range String(y).Split(",") {
yy = append(yy, Float64(i))
drawLineChartWithTimeSeries(xx, yy, "日期", "人数", "每日访问量", "output.png") // 不论文件名,都输出png格式图片
func func1(arg string) {
func main() {
c := Tools.Crontab()
c.Add("*/1 * * * *", func() {
c.Add("*/1 * * * *", func(param1 string, param2 string) {
Print(Time.Now(), "with param: "+param1+" and "+param2)
}, "paramValue1", "paramValue2")
c.Add("00 16 * * *", func1, "args1")
select {}
* * * * *
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
| | | | |
| | | | +----- day of week (0-6) (Sunday=0)
| | | +------- month (1-12)
| | +--------- day of month (1-31)
| +----------- hour (0-23)
+------------- min (0-59)
* * * * *
run on every minute10 * * * *
run at 0:10, 1:10 etc10 15 * * *
run at 15:10 every day* * 1 * *
run on every minute on 1st day of month0 0 1 1 *
Happy new year schedule0 0 * * 1
Run at midnight on every Monday* 10,15,19 * * *
run at 10:00, 15:00 and 19:001-15 * * * *
run at 1, 2, 3...15 minute of each hour0 0-5,10 * * *
run on every hour from 0-5 and in 10 oclock*/2 * * * *
run every two minutes10 */3 * * *
run every 3 hours on 10th min0 12 */2 * *
run at noon on every two days1-59/2 * * *
* run every two minutes, but on odd minutes
func main() {
s := "a = 1;console.log(b);"
vm := Tools.JavascriptVM()
vm.Set("b", "2")
// 设置homeserver的url, 以及需要发送到的会话的id, 这个房间的消息不能是加密的
cli = Tools.Matrix("").SetRoomID("!")
// 可以使用帐号密码登录, 它会先获取token, 然后使用token去交互, 每次登录获取一次token
token := cli.Login("bot", "123456") // 登录成功会返回一个token
// 也可以直接使用token, 默认synapse的token是没有过期时间的
cli.SetToken("", "syt_Ym90_iHallJrSVvDLFCfnvnZZ_4a2WKt")
func main() {
server := "nat://nats.nats.svc.cluster.local"
subj := Tools.Nats(server).Subject("mysubject")
go func() {
for msg := range subj.Subscribe() {
for {
sleeptime := Rand.Int(1, 3)
subj.Publish("sleep for " + str(sleeptime) + " second(s) just now")
while True:
a = input("Enter something: ")
Print("You Enter: ", a)
func main() {
i := 0
p := Tools.Pexpect("python3")
defer p.Close()
for p.IsAlive() {
if strings.Contains(p.GetLog(), "Enter something:") {
if i >= 5 {
Print("Exit code:", p.ExitCode())
func main() {
i := Tools.Ini("c.ini") // 直接读,不存在就返回空的ini结构体
Print(i.Get("section", "key", "value", "comment")) // 直接读,如果存在就返回配置项目,如果不存在就写入配置项目到结构体,并返回默认值
Print(i.Save()) // 保存文件,如果文件存在返回true,不存在返回false
func main() {
bar := Tools.ProgressBar("example bar", 100)
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
if i == 80 {
bar.SetTotal(300) // 重设最大长度
for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
如果聚合成一个值, 没有label的, 应该是不支持(暂时没这个需求, 没做适配)
func main() {
p := Tools.PrometheusClient("http://localhost:9090")
pr := p.Query("sum_over_time(channel_register_count_in_5_minutes{channel=\"1\"}[1h]) / sum_over_time(channel_inpour_count_in_5_minutes[1h]) < 100")
Label: map[string]string{
"instance": "",
"job": "my-service-svc",
"namespace": "default",
"pod": "my-service-332332234-1231232",
"service": "my-service-svc",
"channel": "1",
"endpoint": "my-endpoint",
Value: 44.651376,
func TestPrometheusMetricServer(t *testing.T) {
p := getPrometheusMetricServer("")
c := p.NewCounter("test_counter", "this is a test Counter metrics")
g := p.NewGauge("test_gauge", "this is a test Gauge metrics")
go func() {
for {
for {
g.Set(Float64(Random.Int(0, 10000)))
func main() {
db := Tools.MySQL("mysql-svc", 3306, "root", "", "test")
//db := getSQLite("data.db")
// 建表
// 添加列
db.Table("tbName").AddColumn("intType", "int") // bigint
db.Table("tbName").AddColumn("floatType", "float") // double
db.Table("tbName").AddColumn("vcharType", "string") // VARCHAR(512)
db.Table("tbName").AddColumn("textType", "text") // LONGTEXT
// 删除列
db.Table("tbName").DropColumn("intType") // SQLite不支持
// 添加索引
db.Table("tbName").AddIndex("floatType", "vcharType")
// 删除索引
db.Table("tbName").DropIndex("floatType", "vcharType")
// 也可以链式操作
AddColumn("usercode", "string").
AddColumn("start", "int").
AddColumn("duration", "int").
// 临时使用的表
pg := getSQLite(":memory:").
AddColumn("pid", "float").
AddColumn("name", "string").
AddColumn("cpu", "float").
AddColumn("cmd", "string").
AddColumn("start", "int").
AddColumn("end", "int").
AddColumn("notified", "string").
func main() {
db := getMySQL("mysql-svc", 3306, "root", "", "test")
u := db.Table("user") // 之后使用u这个变量去操作的话,线程不安全, 多线程就需要每个线程都一次db.Table()
// select
reses := db.Table("user").Fields("id", "name", "age").Where("age", ">", 0).Orderby("id desc").limit(2).get()
fmt.Println(reses) // [map[age:6 id:5 name:cat ] map[age:5 id:4 name:monkey]]
// 获取一个行
fmt.Println(reses[0]) // map[age:6 id:5 name:cat ]
// 便利所有行获取某个字段
for _, r := range reses {
// 获取第一条记录
res := db.Table("user").Where("age", ">", 0).Orderby("id", "desc").First()
fmt.Println(res) // map[age:6 id:5 name:cat ]
Print(len(res)) // 0, 如果没数据
count := db.Table("user").Where("age", ">", 0).count()
fmt.Println(count) // 5
// 便利数据库
db.Table("user").Fields("id", "name", "age").Where("age", ">", 0).Orderby("id").chunk(2, func(data []gorose.Data) error {
fmt.Println("In Chunk: ", data)
// In Chunk: [map[age:1 id:1 name:cookie] map[age:2 id:2 name:ares]]
// In Chunk: [map[age:3 id:3 name:div] map[age:5 id:4 name:monkey]]
// In Chunk: [map[age:6 id:5 name:cat ]]
return nil
// 插入一条数据
var data = map[string]interface{}{"age": 17, "name": "it3"}
id := db.Table("user").Data(data).InsertGetID()
fmt.Println(id) // 6, 为新数据的id
// 插入多条数据
var multiData = []map[string]interface{}{{"age": 18, "name": "it4"}, {"age": 19, "name": "it5"}}
re := db.Table("user").Data(multiData).Insert()
fmt.Println(re) // 2 , 插入的数据条数
// 更新数据
re = db.Table("user").Where("id", "=", 1).OrWhere("age", ">", 5).Data(map[string]interface{}{"age": 29, "name": "new Name"}).update()
fmt.Println(re) // 5, 更新的数据条数
// 删除数据
re = db.Table("user").Where("id", "=", 1).Delete()
fmt.Println(re) // 1, 删除的数据条数
rese := db.Query("select count(id) as `count`, `age` from `user` group by `age` order by `count` desc")
fmt.Println(rese) // [map[age:29 count:4] map[age:2 count:1] map[age:3 count:1] map[age:5 count:1]]
ress := db.Execute("delete from `user` where `age` = 29")
fmt.Println(ress) // 4
sql, param := db.Table("user").Fields("id", "name", "age").Where("age", ">", 0).Orderby("id desc").limit(2).buildSQL()
fmt.Println(sql, param) // SELECT `id`,`name`,`age` FROM `user` WHERE `age` > ? ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 2 [0]
`name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`age` int(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 0 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Dynamic;
INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (1, 'cookie', 1);
INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (2, 'ares', 2);
INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (3, 'div', 3);
INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (4, 'monkey', 5);
INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (5, 'cat ', 6)
func main() {
a := jsonMap{
"a": "b",
"c": "d",
"e": jsonMap{"f": "g"},
"h": jsonArr{1, "k"},
j := jsonDumps(a) // {"a":"b","c":"d","e":{"f":"g"},"h":[1,"k"]}
k := jsonLoads(j)
Print(k) // map[a:b c:d e:map[f:g] h:[1 k]]
Print(k["a"]) // b
func main() {
go func() {
rb := Tools.RabbitMQ("amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq-svc:5672/", "default")
rb.Send(map[string]string{"data": "Test Message"})
go func() {
rb := Tools.RabbitMQ("amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq-svc:5672/", "default")
msg := <-rb.Recv()
select {}
func main() {
rdb := Tools.Redis("redis-svc", 6379, "", 1)
rdb.Set("key", "value")
fmt.Println(*rdb.Get("key")) // 如果key不存在返回nil, 存在则返回value的类型为string的指针
rdb.Set("ttl", "delete after 1 second", 1)
rdb.Set("ttl2", "delete after 0.5 second", 0.5)
func main() {
// 需要chromedriver在PATH环境变量所在的目录里面, 会先起一个服务, 然后连接, 返回一个客户端
sn := Tools.Selenium("")
defer sn.Close() // 关闭服务端和客户端
// 登录
// 直接写select的下拉菜单的option的xpath
sn.First(`//*[@id="login"]`).clear().input("user") // 先清空再输入
// 查找单个会员信息
sn.First(`//*[@id="gotomemberinfo"]`).input("uid12345").pressEnter() // 输入并回车
vipLevel := sn.First(`/html/body/div[2]/div/div[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div/div/div/div[1]/fieldset[2]/div/div[1]/div[1]`).text()
Lg.Trace("VIP等级:", is.VipLevel)
url := sn.url() // 获取当前的url
uid := String(url).Split("/")[len(String(url).Split("/"))-1]
j := Http.Get(""+uid, httpHeader{
"cookie": sn.Cookie(), // cookie的字符串
jj := Tools.JsonXPath(j)
length = jj.First("//Details/total").Text()
Lg.Trace("剩余时长:", is.length)
select {}
func main() {
s := Tools.SSH("root", "root", "", 22)
s.PullFile("anaconda-ks.cfg", "tmp.file")
s.PushFile("main.go", "main.go")
func main() {
v := Tools.VNC("", VNCCfg{Password: "r"}) // vncCfg可选
v.Move(237, 570).click()
v.Input("Hello world!\nHHHHHH") // 不支持中文, 只支持键盘上有的按键.
// Ctrl-C
v.VC.KeyEvent(vncNonAsciiKeyMap.Control, true)
v.VC.KeyEvent(vncAsciiKeyMap["c"][0], true)
v.VC.KeyEvent(vncAsciiKeyMap["c"][0], false)
v.VC.KeyEvent(vncNonAsciiKeyMap.Control, false)
func main() {
// 不存在则新建, 会读取所有内容到内存
xlsx := Tools.Xlsx("Book1.xlsx")
// 不存在则新建, 表名字的第一个字母会大写
sheet1 := xlsx.GetSheet("sheet4")
// 设置B列第14行的值为value, 和C列第3行的值为key
sheet1.Set("B14", "value").Set("C3", "key")
// 获取值
// 关闭
<book category="cooking">
<title lang="en">Everyday Italian</title>
<author>Giada De Laurentiis</author>
<book category="children">
<title lang="zh-cn">Harry Potter</title>
<author>J K. Rowling</author>
<book category="web">
<title lang="zh-tw">XQuery Kick Start</title>
<author>James McGovern</author>
<author>Per Bothner</author>
<author>Kurt Cagle</author>
<author>James Linn</author>
<author>Vaidyanathan Nagarajan</author>
<book category="web">
<title lang="zh-hk">Learning XML</title>
<author>Erik T. Ray</author>
package main
func main() {
content := Open("i.html").Read()
doc := Tools.XPath(content)
for _, title := range doc.Find("//title") {
Lg.Trace("获取lang属性: " + title.GetAttr("lang") + ". 获取title标签的文字: " + title.Text())
book := doc.Find("//bookstore/book[1]")[0]
Lg.Trace("只包含子节点的html: ", book.ChildHTML())
Lg.Trace("包含book标签本身的html: ", book.Html())
author := doc.Find("//bookstore/book[1]/author[2]")
Lg.Trace("在第一个book找不到第二个author:", author)
02-10 00:54:10 1 [TRAC] (main.go:7) 获取lang属性: en. 获取title标签的文字: Everyday Italian
02-10 00:54:10 1 [TRAC] (main.go:7) 获取lang属性: zh-cn. 获取title标签的文字: Harry Potter
02-10 00:54:10 1 [TRAC] (main.go:7) 获取lang属性: zh-tw. 获取title标签的文字: XQuery Kick Start
02-10 00:54:10 1 [TRAC] (main.go:7) 获取lang属性: zh-hk. 获取title标签的文字: Learning XML
02-10 00:54:10 1 [TRAC] (main.go:11) 只包含子节点的html:
<title lang="en">Everyday Italian</title>
<author>Giada De Laurentiis</author>
02-10 00:54:10 1 [TRAC] (main.go:13) 包含book标签本身的html: <book category="cooking">
<title lang="en">Everyday Italian</title>
<author>Giada De Laurentiis</author>
02-10 00:54:10 1 [TRAC] (main.go:16) 在第一个book找不到第二个author: []
- 没有TCP的连接这个概念, 所以需要手动维护连接. 1.1 客户端的Connect实际上不会发送任何数据到服务端, 需要随便发送一个东西, 服务端才会收到连接, 类似于TCP的SYN包 1.2 NAT网关上面有个UDP的超时时间, 如果超时了, 那服务端发送的数据就到不了客户端了, 这里实现了心跳,20秒一次,客户端发给服务端。如果服务端3次20秒都没收到心跳,则关闭连接。如果客户端3次20秒没有收到心跳的回复,也关闭连接。 1.3 如果发送数据包, 发送之后程序立刻就退出或者关闭连接了,那么这个发送是没有成功的,sleep一下,等它发送完,最好等对端有回应确认 1.4 任意一端关闭了连接,另一端是不知道的,另一端发送或者读取会timeout,timeout时间是120秒。(应该120秒内还没timeout,就会被心跳goroutine关掉连接)
- 其它的 1.1 写入一个关闭的链接就抛异常, 调用send,在另一个goroutine关闭链接也是这样
package main
var key string = "demo key keykeykeykeykeykeykey"
var salt string = "demo salt saltsaltsaltsaltsaltsalt"
var lg *log
func main() {
args := Argparser("test kcp")
side := args.Get("", "side", "s", "\"c\" for client, \"s\" for server")
addr := args.Get("", "addr", "", "address for listen or connect to")
port := args.GetInt("", "port", "12345", "port for listen or connect to")
// 客户端
if side == "c" {
c := Socket.KCP.Connect(addr, port, key, salt)
c.Send("1", "2", "3")
Time.Sleep(1) // 等待1秒, 让数据都发出去, 再退出
// 服务端
} else if side == "s" {
k := Socket.KCP.Listen(addr, port, key, salt)
c := <-k.Accept()
Print(c.Recv(10)) // 收到[]string{"1", "2", "3"}, 如果10秒内没收到, 得到nil
func main() {
c := Socket.TCP.Connect("localhost", 8888)
defer c.Close()
c.Send("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n")
func main() {
l := Socket.TCP.Listen("", 8899)
defer l.Close()
for c := range l.Accept() {
c.Send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n")
func main() {
crt := `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
key := `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----`
cacrt := `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
if os.Args[1] == "s" {
Lg.Trace("SSL Server started.")
sl := Socket.SSL.Listen("", 7789, key, crt)
for sc := range sl.Accept() {
go func(sc *TcpServerSideConn) {
defer sc.Close()
try(func() {
for {
}).Except(func(e error) {
Lg.Trace("Error:", e)
} else if os.Args[1] == "c" {
Lg.Trace("SSL Client started")
sc := Socket.SSL.Connect("", 7789, SSLCfg{Domain: "", AdditionRootCA: []string{cacrt}})
for {
sc.Send(Time.Strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", Time.Now()))
func main() {
crt := `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
key := `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----`
cacrt := `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
if os.Args[1] == "s" {
tl := Socket.TCP.Listen("", 65432)
tc := <-tl.Accept()
buf := tc.Recv(10)
Lg.Trace("Receive from TCP:", buf)
sc := Socket.SSL.ServerWrapper(tc.Conn, key, crt)
buf = sc.Recv(10)
Lg.Trace("Receive from SSL:", buf)
} else {
tc := Socket.TCP.Connect("", 65432)
tc.Send("Hello TCP!")
sc := Socket.SSL.ClientWrapper(
WithoutSystemRootCA: true,
AdditionRootCA: []string{cacrt},
Domain: "",
sc.Send("Hello SSL!")
func main() {
c := Socket.UDP.Connect("localhost", 8899)
defer c.Close()
c.Send("Hello World!")
func main() {
c := Socket.UDP.Listen("", 8899)
defer c.Close()
data, addr := c.Recvfrom(1024)
c.Sendto("You are welcome!", addr)
- -b在后台执行
- -c指定配置文件, 如果没有指定, 会寻找二进制目录下的配置文件, 以及当前工作目录下的配置文件, 查找规则例如二进制文件名字为app, 则查找app.ini文件
- -h查看帮助, 可以直接在命令行指定
- 可以通过环境变量指定, 指定的名字参考命令行方式
- 参数读取优先级, 首先命令行指定, 其次环境变量, 然后读配置文件, 如果都没有, 就使用内置的默认值
type arg struct {
InCluster bool
ConfigFile string
Namespace string
TelegramAPIKey string
TelegramChatID int64
func main() {
args := new(arg)
a := Argparser("kubernetes的pod程序崩溃通知程序")
args.InCluster = a.GetBool("", "InCluster", "false", "是否在集群内部, 如果不在集群内部需要指定config文件")
args.ConfigFile = a.Get("", "ConfigFile", "", "如果不在集群内部, 需要指定配置文件")
args.Namespace = a.Get("", "Namespace", "", "需要监听事件的namespace, 逗号分割, 默认为空, 即监听所有")
args.TelegramAPIKey = a.Get("", "TelegramAPIKey", "", "telegram bot的api key")
args.TelegramChatID = a.GetInt64("", "TelegramChatID", "0", "telegram bot需要发送通知到的group或者channel的id")
package main
import (
func main() {
s := `{
"name": "John",
"age" : 26,
"address" : {
"streetAddress": "naist street",
"city" : "Nara",
"postalCode" : "630-0192"
"phoneNumbers": [
"type" : "iPhone",
"number": "0123-4567-8888"
"type" : "home",
"number": "0123-4567-8910"
"brothers": [
"nullvalue": null
x := Json.XPath(s)
name := x.First("//name").Text()
fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", name)
var a []string
for _, n := range x.Find("//phoneNumbers/*/number") {
a = append(a, n.Text())
fmt.Printf("All phone number: %s\n", strings.Join(a, ","))
if n := x.First("//address/streetAddress"); n != nil {
fmt.Printf("address: %s\n", n.Text())
for _, b := range j.Find("//brothers/*") {
fmt.Println("First phone number:", x.First("//phoneNumbers[1]/*/number").Text()) // 这里有个*, 因为数组的话会额外加一个元素element在xml里面, 去包含
Lg.Debug(x.First("//nullvalue").Text()) // ""
Name: John
All phone number: 0123-4567-8888,0123-4567-8910
address: naist street
First phone number: 0123-4567-8888
func main() {
gd := Tools.GodaddyDNS("333", "222")
Print(gd.List()) // 获取域名列表
dm := gd.Domain("") // 处理单个主域名
dm.Add("googledns", "A", "") // 增
dm.Add("googledns_cname", "CNAME", "") // 增
dm.Add("googledns_txt", "TXT", "by twitter") // 增
dm.Delete("googledns") // 删,需要传入名称、类型、值,如果传入空字符串则忽略这一项目的判断
dm.Modify("googledns", "A", "") // 改
Print(dm.List()) // 查
整体来说, 操作接口跟godaddy的没什么区别, 是多了一个添加域名, 以及是否开启cdn. 返回的域名的列表, 信息没有godaddy的多.
package main
func main() {
cf := Tools.CloudflareDNS("ip5lwomzy87ohjuoacfzvqup591ipsqi", "")
// 添加cloudflare还没有接管的域名
for _, i := range cf.List() {
if i.Status == "active" {
dm := cf.Domain("")
for _, i := range dm.List() {
dm.Add("@", "A", "")
dm.Add("arecord", "a", "")
dm.Add("cnamerecord", "cname", "")
dm.Add("txtrecord", "txt", "this is a text")
dm.Delete("", "a", "")
dm.Add("@", "A", "")
Time.Sleep(5) // 连续添加, 后面这个会加不上, 不知道休眠多少秒, 就随便5秒吧
dm.Add("@", "A", "")
dm.Add("arecord", "a", "")
// 修改指定a记录
dm.Modify("@", "a", "", "a", "")
dm.SetProxied("@", true)
dm.Delete("", "", "")
func main() {
for line := range Open("/etc/passwd").Readlines() { // 返回一个chan, for循环处理
fmt.Println(line) // 要循环完,才会close,所以不要在这里面break
fd := Open("/etc/passwd") // 默认打开模式是r
defer fd.Close()
fmt.Println(fd.Readline()) // 打印一行, 需要手动调用close
fmt.Println(fd.Readline()) // 再打印一行, 需要手动调用close
fmt.Println(fd.Read(10)) // 打印10个字符, 需要手动调用close
fmt.Println(fd.Read()) // 打印所有, 会自动close
fd = Open("text.txt", "w") // 以写方式打开文件
defer fd.Close()
fd.Write("this is a test text")
fd = Open("text.txt", "rb") // 二进制打开,read函数返回字节数组
defer fd.Close()
fd = Open("text.txt", "a") // 以追加写方式打开文件
defer fd.Close()
fd.Write(" append text 中文")
func main() {
Try(func() {
}).Except(func(err error) {
: pcap
, 以及只处理TCP和UDP数据包.
$ go build -tags pcap .