This module offers a simple standard and opinionated solution for getting a rest or web server up an running quickly. The goal is for developers to focus on business logic and have the server itself just have reasonable default settings for most systems. Here are some of the features/system included:
- Elasticsearch integration with Redis caching
- Internationalization with template integration
- Multi process task runners
- Daily rolling file logs
- Metrics collection into kibana or new relic
- Multi environment configurations with override functionality for local settings
- JSON body parsing
- REST api verification and auto documentation
- Automatic web file caching
- Token based authentication
- Stylus, Pug, ES6 with require.js support
npm i @cheevr/server
The server is configured with sensible defaults for you to start developing immediately. Set up the server by including the module in your index.js:
To implement your own handlers create a file in your project directory under routes/example.js:
module.exports = Router => {
Router.get('/example', (req, res) => res.send('Hello World!').end());
launch the server by running node .
in your project directory and you should be able to query the web server on
post 8000:
curl localhost:8000/example
Hello World!
To serve static web files you will need to create a few directories for the different types of source to include:
- static/js - supports ES6 files with RequireJS syntax that will be converted to ES5
- static/styles - supports Stylus files that will be converted to CSS
- static/views - supports Pug files that will be converted to HTML files
Create a file at static/views/index.pug:
title Hello World!
link(rel="stylesheet" href="css/default.css" type="text/css")
script(type="text/javascript" src="js/app.js" async)
Hello World!
Now launch the server by running node .
and directy your browser to http://localhost:8000 to see your "Hello World" message show up.
As you've probably noticed the linked css and js files will not be loaded and might throw errors in the console of your browser.
To fix this create a file called static/styles/default.styl with the following content:
font-family Verdana
font-size 12px
margin 20%
Same goes for your javascript source at static/js/app.js:
alert('Hello World!');
Both files should now be included if you reload your browser.