I'm Ahmed Chelly. I'm a passionate software developer from Tunisia.
🚀 I thrive on building awesome things with technology. My weapons of choice are React.js for web development and React Native for mobile applications. I'm always on the lookout for new and exciting technologies to explore and incorporate into my projects.
💻 My favorite projects are:
- Chelly: My personal portfolio website created using ReactJs
- Roommie: A roommate matching platform created using ReactJs, an ExpressJs server, and a SQL Database
- Mastermind: A knowledge-based AI Agent developed with Python to play the game Mastermind on console.
- QuizGame: A console-based trivia quiz game that can be played between multiple hosts at the same time connected via sockets, entirely coded with Python.
🧠 I also enjoy solving competitive programming problems and to do so, I usually use Python.
🌐 Feel free to explore my projects and provide any feedback or suggestions. Let's connect and build something amazing together!
⚡ Fun fact: I have a deep appreciation for open-source software, and I'm proud to have contributed to Bootstrap, my favorite front-end framework.
Happy coding! ✨