Releases: Chew/DBLRuby
Version 1.2.0 - Not much changed tbh
Back with another update! Thanks for using my library if you do, I tried my best :3
Main things are, only takes a user object from the server and does not make any calls, that is now done in DBLRuby#user. Make sure to update your code if this affects you. Normal DBLRuby#user or DBLRuby#bot code has not changed.
Also fixed a bug with User#social? always being true. If there's no social links, it returns {}, not null.
Enjoy :)
Release 1.1.3 - Epic gamer win
- [#6] Fixed a bug where discriminator still showed integer after way too long.
- Fixed gem metadata
DBLRuby 1.1.2(.1) - A bug :(
This release fixed a bug where it really didn't work. lol rip
This gem is released as on rubygems, it's this version, ur fine
DBLRuby 1.1.1 - Widgets
1.1.1 fixed a bug that made widgets not work. Below is the 1.1.0 changelog.
- Widgets! You can finally make widgets!! Yay! More documentation on the wiki.
- New #weekend? method in the main class, same as #weekend.weekend?
Probably more but hey
DBLRuby 1.1.0 - Widgets!
- Widgets! You can finally make widgets!! Yay! More documentation on the wiki.
- New #weekend? method in the main class, same as #weekend.weekend?
Probably more but hey
Release 1.0.0 - We did it reddit
We just hit 1.0.0. This means everything I want to add is implemented. Let's see what's changed.
- #self method, this returns a Bot with the currently instantiated DBL itself. This allows you to find more of your own stats instead of running DBL.loadbot(
- #search method, this allows you to search bots! More info on the wiki.
- Bot#donatebotguildid method, this allows you to see the bot's donatebot guild id, if there is one.
- New #weekend.weekend?. This allows you to see if it's the weekend, for voting.
- #loadbot and #loaduser are now #bot and #user. Simply running will work the same as DBL.loadbot(id). This change isn't breaking because loadbot and loaduser will work, but are deprecated and will be removed soon.
- Bot#discriminator now returns a string, because if it were an int, the discriminator of 5000 would just return 5.
- Bot#certified? is now the main method name, however all the 4 method names remain.
- [Breaking] Removed Bot#vanity and Bot#legacy? because the API no longer returns them.
Release 0.8.0 - Shard server support!
- Shard support to #updateservercount, now with 2 new optional arguments, shard_id and shard_count. So, for a bot's count on shard one, you would send
DBL.stats.updateservercount(10, 1, 8)
if you have 8 shards. More on the wiki.
That's all this release was. Shard support. Go home.
Release 0.7.1 - Fixed our first bug!
- GH-5 - Fixed a bug where certified? in the User class wouldn't return the user's certified status.
Hey, make sure you check out our discord channel to suggest things, or just to say Hi!
Release 0.7.0 - Finalizing memes
- Fixed some descriptions of the methods, based on dbl's
- Added 2 new methods to bot class and user class, #error? to see if there is an error, and #error to get the error.
- Added the #defavatar method to get a user's def avatar, idk.
- Added #time method, which converts what DBL gives us to a Time variable, ready to use in an embed footer!
- Added method #vanity to get a bot's vanity url.
- Added method #banner to get the user's banner.
- Removed debug #fail methods.
Hey, make sure you check out our discord channel to suggest things, or just to say Hi!
DBLRuby 0.6.0 - Error Rescuing Galore!
Pretty much everything up until the final release is error handling and bug fixing. There are a few more things I would like to add before then, but the bulk is error saving.
- fd875e4 - Add methods to set the API key and ID, even after instantiated.
- 9673f0a - Add DBLRuby::Errors::InvalidBot for invalid bots.
- 94dca83 - Add DBLRuby::Errors::InvalidUser for invalid user (then fix an oopsie in the next commit: (2fe31b7)
- dc761b0 - Added some alias methods to stats.
- 9632899 - Rescue invalid API keys when attempting to make a request that needed one with the new DBLRuby::Errors::InvalidAPIKey
And more!
Make sure to grab the new gem via gem install dblruby