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Transcriptome-wide association studies (TWAS) have been recently applied to successfully identify many novel genes associated with complex traits. While appealing, TWAS tend to identify multiple significant genes per locus, and many of them may not be causal due to confounding through linkage disequilibrium (LD) among SNPs. Here we introduce a powerful fine-mapping method called FOGS that prioritizes putative causal genes by accounting for local LD. We apply a weighted adaptive test with eQTL-derived weights to maintain high power across various scenarios.

In this software, we implement FOGS as well as one alternate method FOCUS.

Please cite the following manuscript for using this software:

Wu, C., & Pan, W. (2020). A powerful fine-mapping method for transcriptome-wide association studies. Human genetics, 139(2), 199-213.


  1. Version 1.0: the preliminary release
  2. Version 2.0: the standard alone release. It should take less than one hour to learn and configure the software.


  1. Installation
  2. Typical analysis and output
  3. Command-line parameters
  4. FAQ


  • Download and unpackage the FOGS package from GitHub. Download through this link or by the following commands:

  • Install the required packages (in R, run the following)

list.of.packages <- c("data.table","optparse","Rcpp","RcppArmadillo","mvtnorm","BEDMatrix","bigmemory","dplyr","mvnfast")
new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages([,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)
# install GenomicRanges
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


Typical analysis and output

The FOGS analysis takes pre-computed Gene expression prediction models, LD reference panel, and GWAS summary data to prioritize putative causal genes. This example assumes you have set up the required environment and data, as illustrated in the previous section.

To help users better use our software, we provided a detailed pipeline for running FOGS with COVID19-hg GWAS meta-analyses round 5 data. We will provide this pipeline within two weeks.

Input 1: GWAS summary statistics

We write a wrapping code (munge.R) and try to support all publically available GWAS summary data. Please run the following code to reformat GWAS summary data.

sumstats = "/gpfs/research/chongwu/shared/summary_statistics/COVID19/release5/processed/ANA_B2_eur_V5.txt"

data = munge_sumstat(sumstats)

The processed data should look like:

CHR POS SNP A1 A2 beta se N Z
1 777232 rs112618790 T C 0.0135 0.0402 1175143 0.336
1 791853 rs6684487 A G 0.0298 0.0409 1172527 0.7274

Note: The performance of FOGS depends on the density of summary-level data. We highly recommend running FOGS with raw summary-level data. Pre-process steps such as pruning and restricting to top SNPs may harm the performance.

Input 2: Gene expression prediction models

The format of prediction models are quite different for the different TWAS methods. To expand the usefulness of FOGS, we only requires the prediction models with the following format:

rsid gene weight ref_allele eff_allele
rs16861623 ENSG00000000457 -0.00015 C A
rs857633 ENSG00000000457 0.0035 C T

This format can be easily obtained. For example, for the PrediXcan type prediction models, we can use the following codes to obtain this:


weights = "/gpfs/research/chongwu/shared/TWAS_JTI/UTMOST_Lung.db"
weightsave = "Lung_weights.txt"

sqlite.driver <- dbDriver("SQLite")
db <- dbConnect(sqlite.driver,dbname = weights)

weights =  dbReadTable(db, "weights")


Note: See the pipeline for details.

Running the FOGS

After we prepared the data, we can run CMO via the following single line.

Rscript FOGS.R --refld /gpfs/research/chongwu/shared/1000Genomes/1000G.EUR.ALLSNP.QC.CHR --outd /gpfs/research/chongwu/Chong/MWAS/Finemapping/Blood --loci /gpfs/research/chongwu/shared/LDetect_LD_regions/EUR/ --weights /gpfs/research/chongwu/Chong/Application/COVID19/Finemapping/Lung_weights.txt --genelist /gpfs/research/chongwu/Chong/Application/COVID19/Finemapping/Lung_gene_list.txt --sumstat /gpfs/research/chongwu/Chong/Application/COVID19/Finemapping/processed_data.txt --saveprefix Blood --chr_id 21 --locus_id 3

Output: Gene-disease association

The results are stored in a user-defined output file. For illustration, we explain the meaning of each entry in the first two lines of the output.

Col. num. Column name Value Explanations
1 CHR 21 Chromosome ID
2 ID ENSG00000159110 Ensemble ID
2 P0 34602206 Gene start
3 P1 34637980 Gene end
4 n.SNP 98 Number of SNPs in the prediction models
5 n.condSNP 81 Number of SNPs that FOGS conditioned on
6 FOGS-aSPU 0.0003 P value for FOGS (the underlying test is aSPU)
7 TWAS 0.00017 P value for TWAS
8 Focus 0.99 Posterior probability of FOCUS
9 Runtime(s) 583.16 Running time in seconds

Command-line parameters


Flag Usage Default
--refld LD reference panel directory (in plink bim/fam/bed format; chromosome specific) Required
--outd The output directory Required
--loci The directory for the LDetect, which can be downloaded by this link. Required
--weights The prediction model weights file (Input 2 described above) Required
--genelist The corresponding gene list for the weights files. It should contain the following four columns:left, right,chr, and gene. Required
--sumstat Summary statistics (needs to be processed by munge.R; Input 1 described above) Required
--saveprefix The prefix for the output files Required
--chr_id Chromosome ID for the locus of interest Required
--locus_id Locus ID for the locus of interest Required


If you have questions, please submit an issue. We will summarize commonly asked questions here.


Maintainer: Chong Wu (


Copyright (c) 2013-present, Chong Wu (