Live Link:
Welcome to Library, your online destination for books. Easily explore our extensive collection of books spanning four categories: Novels, History, Thriller, and Drama. But it doesn't stop there – you have the power to contribute. Add your favorite books to the library or edit existing entries to ensure accuracy and relevance. With features like Dark Mode and Light Mode, tailor your experience to your preference. The website is fully responsive so you can enjoy the Library on any device. Sign up now to start exploring or sign in to access your account and contribute to the library.
This is an online library store management website.
User can create an account and log in via Gmail and Github Firebase authentication.
When the user selects the book category, the details of that category will be displayed, and the user can pick the book and the total number of books will be reduced by one.
When the user returns the book, the total number of books in that category will increase by one.
All book route has a button called Show All Available if the user wants to see the available books. Books whose number is less than 0 will not be displayed.
Users can view all books in list and grid format.
- Tailwind CSS
- DaisyUI & Mamba UI
- React router dom
- React icons
- Tanstack/react-query
- React-hook-form
- React loader spinner
- Prop types
- Sweetalert2
- React toastify
- Firebase
- cors
- dotenv
- Node Js
- Express Js
- MongoDB
- Server Sede Hosting: Vercel
- Client Side Hosting: Firebase
- Node.js
- npm
- Git
- git clone
- cd your-repository
- Install dependencies:
- cd client
- npm install
cd server
npm install
Set up environment variables:
Create a .env file in the server directory and add your MongoDB connection string and any other necessary environment variables.
Create a .env file in the client directory and add your Firebase configuration and any other necessary environment variables.
Running the Application
- cd server
- nodemon index.js
- cd client
- npm run dev