MatchGuessr is a web app that allows users to guess the results of upcoming football matches (more sports in the future potentially). This project just serves as a fun way for people to bet on matches without actually spending any money.
Help is gladly appreciated, just follow these steps to contribute:
- Go to the dev branch and fork it
- Clone the project on your own machine
- Commit and push changes to your own branch
- Submit a pull request to the dev branch and wait for review
make sure to merge the latest upstream before the pull request
Making changes to the backend is a complicated process and requires setting up your own postgresql database and mocking your own data
Data is pulled from so I recommend you to make a free account
When setting up the database to connect to your postgresql databse please set up your
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create-drop (can change if you want)
api.key=< api key>