For use as a basic cipher, and/or in CTF where Cyberchef is just too much effort :)
The arguments usable are:
, which is required, and sets the key to use for encoding/decoding-e
, optional, specifies that the input should be encoded. If omitted decoding is assumed.-f
, optional, specify the file to use as input. If not provided standard input is read.
Assuming a text file called test.txt containing This is a test of my vigenere encoder. Let'ts see how it Works!
PS C:\dev\vigenere-cmd> go run .\main.go -e -f test.txt -k "test"
Mlal bw s mxwl hy qq obkwgxvw xgggwxv. Dxm'xk lxi zhp ml Phvcl!
Or, via echoing in data and decoding by omitting -e
PS C:\dev\vigenere-cmd> echo "Mlal bw s mxwl hy qq obkwgxvw xgggwxv." | go run .\main.go -k "test"
This is a test of my vigenere encoder.
Note a single character as key turns this into a rot/caesar cipher. E.g. key n
makes it implement rot13.