This repository holds the source for my build of dwm.
It provides:
- A simple working enviornment for people running Xorg
- A base to work off of for a more featureful dwm build
- An example of how GoDSB can be used within dwm
Table of Contents:
Dwm is a dynamic, source based window manager for X11. It relys heavily on keybindings to do basic operations, and promotes workflow efficiency.
If you're looking to compile from source, you'll need the following:
- Git, Make and GCC installed from arch's base-devel package group. Your distribution will likely have similar packages.
- Xlib header files on the system.
- libxft-bgra if you want colored emoji rendering (not having this may induce crashes when emoji's are rendered unless you uncomment the 'iscol' block of code in drw.c)
- noto-fonts-emoji or another font that supports unicode emojis. Fonts can be changed in config.h
First build dwm so we can execute it on X startup:
make clean install
Add the following to your .xinitrc file:
exec dbus-launch dwm
Using 'dbus-launch' will allow tools like flameshot to work out of the box. You can run dwm without it, but may run into issues with some applications. (particularly screen capturing applications) Similar issues are encountered when using ssh-agent as well.
If you would like dwm to restart automatically on exit (useful during development) add this instead:
while true; do
exec dbus-launch dwm >/dev/null 2>&1
Then just quit out of your current enviornment and login with dwm! Win + T gets you a terminal; any other keybindings can be found in config.h
Contributions are always welcome. If you're interested in contributing, send me an email or submit a PR.
Feel free to use this project in any way you like. Please refer to the license file for more information.