Nifty tool for analyzing Force field energies using OpenMM. The main file,, will loop over any frames in a PDB file and print out its energy components. An .xyz file can be used instead, but the atoms in both the .pdb and .xyz files must align with eachother. If no topology file is provided, the program will use the default AMBER99 force field.
python3 [-h] -pdb PDB [-psf PSF] [-prm PRM] [-xyz XYZ] [-qcin QCIN] [-chg CHG] [-top TOP] [-xml XML] [-ipt IPT]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-pdb PDB PDB file to base the calcualtions off of
-psf PSF CHARMM PSF topology file
-prm PRM AMBER prmtop topology file
-xyz XYZ XYZ file of coordinate frames to loop over
-qcin QCIN Q-Chem input file with coordantes to use
-chg CHG Supplimental column of charges to use
-top TOP Gromacs topology file with force field info
-xml XML OpenMM Force Field XML file to use
-ipt IPT Input file with options to controll program behavior
The optional input file uses a Q-Chem format where each input section starts with $section
and ends with $end
. For example, the main options section , $rem
, with their default values applied would look something like this:
nonbonded_eda False ! energy decomposition analysis for nonbonded interactions
optimize False ! optimize structure first; uses only the first frame of PDB coords
print_eda True ! print energy decomposition
print_forces False ! print forces too (not implimented yet)
opt_mode openmm ! optimization mode: openmm or build_in BFGS solver
opt_freeze_main False ! freeze main atoms (not drude particles)
opt_freeze_drude False ! freeze drude particles
density_chg True ! replace charges with point nuclei and Slater electron densities
compute_forces: 0 ! also compute forces:
! compute_forces = 0 will not compute forces
! compute_forces = 1 will compute forces for main interactions (Bonds, Nonbonded, etc.)
! compute_forces = 2 same as 1, plus the forces for nonbonded_eda energies
! compute_forces = 3 compute forces for nonbonded_eda energies only (excluding 1-4 interactions)
When forces are computed, a separate "energy_report" directory will be created in the current working directory that contains all of the forces and energies. For the force results, each frame is separated by a single empty line.
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