A Plutus project demonstrating a ticking system using NFT's on Cardano. Includes tracing and testing.
- Call "createEvent" endpoint (Offchain) with EventParams. An example:
epEventName = "NYE2023",
epEventTime = 1666531889000,
epNumberOfTickets = 5
epEventName - The name of the event, will be used in the Token Name.
epEventTime - POSIX time of the event. This will be used as a minting deadline.
epNumberOfTickets - The number of tickets to mint.
This will mint the tickets using the Event Name and Ticket Number as the Token Name.
- Call "startSaleAllTickets" endpoint (Offchain) with StartSaleParams. An example:
saPrice = 5000000, -- 5 ADA
Note: The ticket price will be paid to the wallet holding the NFT.
sPrice - The price of the ticket (in lovelace).
This will find all tickets for sale at the wallet address and lock them for sale with a script.
- Call "buyTicketByName" endpoint (Offchain) with BuyTicketByNameParams. An example:
btTicketName = "Event2023_2",
btSellerAddress = mockWalletPaymentPubKeyHash $ knownWallet 1
btTicketName - The name of the ticket to buy. This will be in the format of [event name]_[ticket number]
btSellerAddress - The wallet address of the ticket seller.