This is a learning project with many mistakes, things that could be done better and is not intended for production use.
This project based on High Desert Prison Roleplay made by $Marco$ . This is a conversion from Pawn to C#.
Prison Roleplay is a Roleplay SA:MP gamemode. The aim of the game is to survive and prosper in the prison harh prison conditions.
Gameplay is centered around roleplaying with other players in order to provide a more realistic feel to the life in prison. As you have to work, earn money and become the nicest or the evil prisoner, choice is yours.
To get started with Prison Roleplay, you need the following tools installed on your computer:
- Visual Studio To edit and compile the project
- .NET 5 Runtime x86 Binaries In order for project to run
- Git To clone the repository
- SampSharp To be ble to access SA:MP API from C#
- SA:MP Server To be able to run the server
- MariaDB or MySQL For the server data persistency
- Seq For easier log viewing (Optional)
Clone the repository to your computer using Git (Or the GitHub desktop app, if you prefer that)
git clone
Download SA:MP Server archive and put all executables inside env folder of the project.
Download .NET 5 Runtime x86 binaries, create a folder called "dotnet" (or how you wish, remeber to edit coreclr line in server.cfg) and extract the archive in the folder
Now, open Visual Studio click on "Open project or solution" and browse to the clone of the repository and look for src/PrisonRP/PrisonRP.sln
After the project is open and loaded, right click on PrisonRP.GameMode project, go to properties "Debug" tab and set "Executable" path to samp-server.exe inside env folder and "Working directory" to env folder in order to be able to debug the project
Now, Compile and Run the project right from inside Visual Studio
Coming soon
When you fix something, don't keep it to yourself. This is an open source project. An important part of open source is sharing, that's why this code is free of charge and available to all.
Please respect this. Feel free to keep your unique features private, just submit all fixes to the base code as pull requests or just email them to me/post them as issues here.