Whenever there is are error/crash on the network device there is no immediate notification to the user. When the administrator sees the issue on DNA, next steps is to collect logs/additional info. This idea is to deploy a python EEM that runs periodically within guest shell on the device and as soon as it detects a problem condition immediately capture the logs/core files , turns on further debug etc and uploads this to DNA-C. Network Administrator doesn’t need to wait for end user to report this issue. This enables proactive troubleshooting. when the issue is seen on Assurance UI already the required debug files are available.
- Device should be added to inventory.
- Following python packages should be pre installed.
- requests
- json
- time
- re
- sys
Before running the script you must edit the 'dnac_config.py' file and update the following values
DNAC_IP = "Your DNA Center Cluster IP Address"
USERNAME = "Your DNA Center Username"
PASSWORD = "Your DNA Center Password"
VERSION = "v1"
DEVICE_IP = "Device IP Address"
PRODUCT_FAMILY = "Device Family - Any one from the list {Routers, Switches}"
TEMPLATE_NAME = "Any Name for the Template that you want to deploy"
PROCESS_NAME = "IOS process name - Any one from the list but not limited to {smand, dbm, wcm, pman, fman, hman, vman}"
FTP_SERVER = "Your FTP Server IP Address"
FTP_USERNAME = "Your FTP Server Username"
FTP_PASSWORD = "Your FTP Server Password"
QUERY_INTERVAL = "Time Interval in seconds for EEM run; min 300 to max 604800"
python3 deviceLogCollector.py
- For VMAN Process following EEM Script will be deployed.
- FTP Server, Username , Password will be fetch from dnac_config
event manager applet DNACGetLog
event timer watchdog time 1800
action 001 cli command "file prompt quiet"
action 002 cli command "enable"
action 003 cli command "config terminal"
action 004 cli command "ip ftp username <ftp-username>"
action 005 cli command "ip ftp password <ftp-password>"
action 006 cli command "end"
action 100 cli command "show plat soft trace filter-binary process <process-name> level error"
action 110 regexp "ERR" "$_cli_result" result
action 120 if $_regexp_result eq "1"
action 125 cli command "request platform soft trace rotate all"
action 130 cli command "archive tar /create bootflash:smand_error_$_event_pub_sec.tar bootflash:tracelogs smand*"
action 140 cli command "copy bootflash:smand_error_$_event_pub_sec.tar ftp://<ftp-ip-address>"
action 160 puts "Copied Collected logs to FTP Server"
action 160 else
action 170 puts "No logs to collect"
action 180 end